Overview - Samgbr/LSMPServiceRS GitHub Wiki

For the detail implementation, we have used a layered architecture framework to organize the source code to further make the application ready for new requirements to be added later. The layers used are:

  1. Service layer - for REST web service implementation act as a client
  2. Domain layer - the business logic coded here
  3. Data-access layer - read, update, delete and insert (CRUD) methods performed
  4. Database layer - actual database created and data stored.

All these four layers communicated top-to-bottom as well as bottom-to-top approach. To organize each layer, in our project we have created packages for the modules. Currently, we have implemented the database, data-access and domain layers in our project. In the domain layer, inside each package we have created, model classes that are related to that specific module and also created manager classes to connect to lower respective layer and any necessary business logic for that module to be used by the service layer. On the data-access layer we have created packages for each module and created data access object classes to store, get, update and delete records from the database that is stored on amazon web services RDS. The modules are: