Order Module - Samgbr/LSMPServiceRS GitHub Wiki

All sales order are treated in this module. This module handles all order fulfillment, processing, completion and cancellation. Mainly it has three parts. These are:

  1. Order Package
  2. Product Order Detail
  3. Order Status

Order Package

The order package only responsible for handling basic order information, that is to capture order id, customer id, order date and shipment address id. All CRUD methods are implemented at the data access layer and order model class and its manager class is under the business layer. On the service layer, order service interface and order resource coded to interact with the cxf file to expose the endpoint. The representation and request classes abstract the data to be accessed at the service layer, other order status data not used here. Instead used in its respective order status classes. The workflow package has order activity class created that is to be used by the resource class.

Product Order Detail Package

Each product sold in the marketplace has a order detail that holds, order detail id, order id, product id and ordered quantity. Identical to Order package it has service, representation and workflow packages.

Order Status Package

To track each order we have come up with some parameters, such as when the order is picked, packed, delivered to pickup location, delivered and its delivery location. For order cancellation refund used. On the domain layer , used InProcess, Complete, and Cancel model classes that all these classes extend from order class. From these classes, all respective representation and request classes are used in the representation package. Order status is related to the order package with a particular order id and one order has details handled by the order detail package.

Partner Module