Customer Registration Module - Samgbr/LSMPServiceRS GitHub Wiki
This module is responsible for customer signup to the market place application to buy products offered by the application itself and partners that are selling their products using this platform. The main functionalities and features of this module registering customer personal, billing and address information. The Customer can update its profile account and be able to remove its profile as well.
How Implemented
Each module implemented has data access, domain and service layer. This module has data access layer to create, retrieve, update and delete customer data and each operation has methods implemented. These methods interact with the database through all connection parameters configured to a remote AWS RDS database shopper table. The Customer module domain layer has a package that holds model classes and a manager class to manage all CRUD and business logic methods to interact with the data access layer and also to be used by the service layer for Rest implementation. When it comes to service layer implementation, three packages are used. The first one is, workflow package in which methods used to access customer data from manager class and from service representation and request model classes used to expose the REST service to be returned when client requested a service to get a resource. The second one is, the representation package is used to decide the amount of data to be exposed for a particular resource used by the client during request and response operation. The third is, the service package that declares all the services to the interface and the resource classes exist in this package will implement the interface methods with unique paths declared in each method. These paths are used as URI and can be tested using postman or any related application before deployed to production.