Translation_Performance - Samanti-Das/etiss_new GitHub Wiki

Status for the gcc Just-In-Time Engine (for commit d6d35188): No significant performance change
Current translation Simulation_Time for gcc JIT : 2.7
Previous best for gcc JIT (recorded in commit 5729cd02): 2.38, difference 13.40%

Status for the llvm Just-In-Time Engine (for commit d6d35188): No significant performance change
Current translation Simulation_Time for llvm JIT : 244.82
Previous best for llvm JIT (recorded in commit 5729cd02): 235.61, difference 3.91%

Status for the tcc Just-In-Time Engine (for commit d6d35188): 🥇 New best performance!
Current translation Simulation_Time for tcc JIT : 6.35
Previous best for tcc JIT (recorded in commit d6d35188): 6.35, difference -0.40%

Graphical Analysis for the last 9 commits:

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️