README - SamWhited/wiki GitHub Wiki


Welcome to Sméagol, the personal wiki of Sam Whited.

This wiki is deployed on Github's Gollum. Despite the name, it is not using the Smeagol gem; instead it is using some custom Rack middlware that does nothing more than perform basic authentication.

Sméagol is deployed on my personal server, and also mirrored on GitHub where the source or the wiki itself can be viewed.


If you want to deploy my wiki for some rason (or, what's more likely, you just want a simple way to deploy your own copy of Gollum without a lot of fuss) you can clone this repo and create a config.yml file in the root directory with the structure:

      password: SHA2HashOfPassword
      password: SHA2HashOfPassword

You can then just point your favorite server or server/proxy combo at your wiki and let it go.

Depending on your setup, you may want to mirror gollum's public resources and serve them directly.

Mirroring to GitHub

If you want to mirror your wiki to GitHub in such a way that you can view the source and view the actual wiki on the wiki tab but don't want to push to multiple remotes each time you make an update you can do something like this in your .git/config file:

[remote "origin"]
  url = [email protected]:YOURUSERNAME/wiki.git
  url = [email protected]:YOURUSERNAME/
  fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
  fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/wiki/*