Using archey with Today Scripts - SamRothCA/Today-Scripts GitHub Wiki
If you want archey to behave nicely in today scripts copy and paste the following in a file. In our example I will put it in /Users/Goat_user/Documents/archey (Goat_user is my default user).
#!/bin/bash # System Variables user=$(whoami) hostname=$(hostname | sed 's/.local//g') distro="OS X $(sw_vers -productVersion)" kernel=$(uname) uptime=$(uptime | sed 's/.*up \([^,]*\), .*/\1/') shell="$SHELL" terminal="$TERM" cpu=$(sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string) packagehandler="" # removes (R) and (TM) from the CPU name so it fits in a standard 80 window cpu=$(echo "$cpu" | awk '$1=$1' | sed 's/([A-Z]\{1,2\})//g') mem=$(sysctl -n hw.memsize) ram="$((mem/1073741824)) GB" disk=`df | head -2 | tail -1 | awk '{print $5}'` # Colors Variables red="1" green="2" yellow="3" blue="4" purple="5" lightblue="6" grey="7" textColor=$(tput setaf $lightblue) normal=$(tput sgr0) # Add a -c option to enable classic color logo if [[ $1 == "-c" ]] || [[ $1 == "--color" ]] || [[ $2 == "-c" ]] || [[ $2 == "--color" ]]; then GREEN='\033[00;32m' YELLOW='\033[00;33m' LRED='\033[01;31m' RED='\033[00;31m' PURPLE='\033[00;35m' CYAN='\033[00;36m' BLUE='\033[00;34m' fi userText="${textColor}User:${normal}" hostnameText="${textColor}Hostname:${normal}" distroText="${textColor}Distro:${normal}" kernelText="${textColor}Kernel:${normal}" uptimeText="${textColor}Uptime:${normal}" shellText="${textColor}Shell:${normal}" terminalText="${textColor}Terminal:${normal}" cpuText="${textColor}CPU:${normal}" memoryText="${textColor}Memory:${normal}" diskText="${textColor}Disk:${normal}" echo -e "${GREEN} ### ${GREEN} #### ${GREEN} ### ${GREEN} ####### ####### ${YELLOW} ###################### ${YELLOW} ##################### ${RED} #################### ${RED} #################### ${RED} ##################### ${PURPLE} ###################### ${PURPLE} #################### ${BLUE} ################ ${BLUE} #### ##### ${normal} $userText $user $hostnameText $hostname $distroText $distro $kernelText $kernel $uptimeText $uptime $shellText $shell $terminalText $terminal $cpuText $cpu $memoryText $ram $diskText $disk "
After, make the file executable by openning a terminal by going to the spotlight and type ‘terminal’ In there, I will make a file executable by typing:
chmod +x /Users/Goat_user/Documents/archey
Now, in today scripts, all you have to do is: Give it a Title
Program should be /bin/bash
and for the last box it will be: /Users/Goat_user/Documents/archey -c