Building Dyxitool - SamClercky/Dyxitool GitHub Wiki

Building Dyxitool

WARNING: These instructions are ment for a UNIX-compatible terminal. If you are using Windows, you can use docker or WSL (Windows Subsystem Linux)

Step 1: Downloading

Depending on your system you can download this repo through git or by clicking the download link on Github.

$ git clone

Step 2: Download dependencies

This project is build with gulp. I use node v10.15.2 and npm v6.10.3. Normaly the version numbers should not matter a lot, but if it doesn't work, these were my configurations.

$ npm install

Step 3: build typescript

$ npx tsc

Step 3: build the Firefox- or Chrome part

Now choose which part you want to build because each build command will firstly clean the ./dist/ folder.

Build for Firefox

$ npx gulp firefox
$ cd dist
$ npx web-ext build
$ mv web-ext-artifacts/ web-ext-artifacts/dyxitool-1.1.xpi

After this you will find a ready to use (unsigned) build in ./dist/web-ext-artifacts/

Build for Chrome

$ npx gulp chrome

Now go to your chrome browser and go to chrome://extensions/. Make sure you enable Dev-mode before you can Package extension. Fill in the path to the ./dist/ folder. (you can leave the private-key part open). The final buildfile will be found in the root directory of this project.