User Findings and Interviews - SamArmand/Google-Expeditions-Reporter GitHub Wiki

User Testing 1

Before pivoting to the reporting application, we conducted user tests with a low fidelity prototype of the Chemistry VR application with 3 Cornell Tech students.

User Testing 1


User Rating (1-5) Feedback
User 1 2.5 Fun, but it doesn't look like real water.
It should transform into water so that I can know that I made water.
User 2 3 Moving my head is inconvenient.
I would rather move things with my hands.
User 3 4 I should understand how to select and move things around without being told.
It felt more like I was holding a point-and-shoot camera than a VR device.
User 4 4 What would happen if I did it wrong?
Will other combinations not bond?
User 5 2 The placement of atoms should not be random.
The order of bonding should also matter.
The actual reaction should be visible.
Angle around atoms are important in chemistry.
It's all about aesthetics.
User 6 5 Feedback animations should be more evident.


I interviewed Julia Pavan, a school teacher in Montreal who has taught sciences to elementary and middle-school students. She confirmed that she would need some kind of application where she can view reports on a student's activity with a VR application.


User Testing 2

User Rating (1-5) Feedback
User 1 3.5 Students should also be getting visual feedback - not just the teacher.
Perhaps a web/browser application would be better than native mobile.
User 2 4.5 The overall UI should be more polished.
User 3 3.75 Good! I think it's very useful.
There should be some validation on the content that supports this application.
You don't want inaccurate chemistry terminology like in your demo application.
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