Troubleshooting - Salesforce-org-Impact-Labs/01HousingandHomelessness GitHub Wiki
The purpose of this page is to identify any known troubleshooting fixes and steps. This document will continue to be updated as we identify solutions to any issues Service Match users have identified.
Referral messages not being sent
First, ensure you have gone through the entire Setup Doc and completed all of the steps. Many times a step was skipped or missed and it results in Service Match not performing as expected.
If messages are still not being sent, got to Setup and then Apex Jobs and see if there are any errors listed there. A common error that is seen is the following:
In this case, the Email was not configured in the Custom Metadata Type. Once this step was completed, the associated Service Referrals needed to be deleted from Service Match and then a new referral will need to be sent. This error often occurs for a new service match customer.