The circuit schematic. TinkerCAD and fritzing - SalehAlismaili/ArduinoSimonSays GitHub Wiki
TinkerCAD was one of the websites that really helped me finishing this project.It is very practical and easy to use, but as I said previously I went through a small problem. the circuit that I simulated in TinkerCAD didn't work in real life(We can see the design in the picture below).
I had to redesign the circuit again. We can see the circuit that I designed in TinkerCAD below along side with the code.
for the circuit schematic I used the tool fritzing. It may not be of the best tools I've ever used but it is indeed one of the best tools when it comes to designing a schematic circuit.
In the picture above we can see the schematic design of my circuit using fritzing.
In the picture below we can see the list of parts that I used to build my circuit.