Introduction and conclusion - SalehAlismaili/ArduinoSimonSays GitHub Wiki

Introduction: In this project I implemented "Simon Says" game using the Arduino. the game randomly lights up a sequence of LEDs. the user must repeat the sequence correctly to win the game. Dr. Cortesi gave us seven steps to complete this project, I went through all the seven steps and managed to implement the game using the Arduino kit.

Issues: In the process of completing this project I ran into several problems. To begin with,using TinkerCAD I simulated the circuit that I designed, and according to it I wrote the code for the game. In the simulation it worked perfectly and just as I wanted it to be. But when I tried to build the circuit, it didn’t work as it did in TinkerCAD. The LEDs were blinking randomly, and nothing happens when I press the buttons. I had to redesign the circuit all over again and even edit the code. Eventually, I solved the problem and the game worked perfectly. I learned that not everything that worked in the simulation will work in real life. In the end its just a simulator. another problem I ran into was the buttons. The buttons were easy to break, I had to buy another bag of buttons because the Arduino kit only provides few of them.

How it works: The game is simple and easy to play. At first, the red LED blinks indicating that the game started, the game will immediately start by lighting up one LED and gets harder each time the user inputs a correct sequence. If the user inputs the correct sequence the three LEDs will blink for a second and moves to a harder sequence. If the user inputs a wrong sequence the three LEDs will turn on will a unique sound indicating that the user inputted a wrong sequence. I attached some pictures of the game circuit that I designed below.

Conclusion: doing this project was really fun, I enjoyed going through the seven steps and I learned so many things in a very short time.