Meeting Minutes 01 - Sajid231/Bengali-Newspaper GitHub Wiki

Date: 10TH July 2021

Media: via Google Meet

Start Time: 10.00PM

End Time: 11.00PM


Serial Name initial ID Attendees
1 Fazla Rabbi Sajid FRS 1513155642
2 Rayhan Bappy RBP 1520824042
3 Md Rakibul Kabir Khan RKR 1631789042
4 Zubaer Ahmed ZBA 1711218042


  • Python programming language is selected for the project
  • Django 3.2.4 is selected as a Framework.
  • The front end of our system is HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap4 and JS ES6.

  • The database of our project is SqLite3 Server.


  • Research about at least two coding standards.
  • Came up with at least one Documentation Tool(Two if possible).
Action Allocated team member(s) Deadline
Research Coding Standards RBP, ZBA 16/07/2021
Documentation Tool FRS, RKR 16/07/2021