Assignment :5 - Sairab/Learning-_JAVA GitHub Wiki
What is string ?
String is a data type. But in java basically it is an object that repersents the sequence of char values.It is immutable object in java it means that it can not be changed after creation in string but a new instance is created.
In two way string is created in java:
1: using double quotes
String = “Pakistan”
2: using new keyword
String s = new String(Pakistan)
String Example:
public class StringExample{
public static void main(String [] abc){
String s1 = “Pak”;
String s2 = new String(“Army”);
} }
Some functions of java String are
Int length():
Use to return the length of string
char charAt(int index):
return char value for particular index
boolean contians(Charsequence s):
return true or flas
String toLowerCase():
return string in lower case
String toUpperCase():
return string in upper case
What is Immutable?
If an object can not change its state is called immutable after that it is constructed.It is particularly useful in concurrent application.Since they cannot change state .
1: Do not provide setter methods methods that modify fields or objects .
2: All fields of immutable class should be final.
3: Object must be properly construct.
What is Mutable?
Mutable object fields can be changed after it is created.
For Example:
public class change{
public static void main (String abc[]) {
String s1 = “Hello World”;
String s1 = s1.toUpperCase();
System.out.println(); } }