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Python and Deep Learning: Special Topics

Rajeshwari Sai Aishwarya Puppala

Student ID: 16298162

Class ID: 35

Deep Learning-In class programming:4


Follow the instruction below and then report how the performance changed. (apply all at once)

Did the performance change?

2.predict the first 4 image of the test data. Then, print the actual label for those 4 images (label means the probability associated with them) to check if the model predicted correctly or not

3.Visualize Loss and Accuracy using the history object

Import Data

  • Import the necessary Packages required

  • Import the cifar dataset and load all of the train and test data

Normalize and Encoding


  • Create a convolution layer with activation "Relu" input shape (3,32,32)
  • Add a dropout layer with 0.2
  • Add a Conv2d Hidden layer with activation function "Relu" and with 32 neurons
  • Do the max pooling with (2,2) size.
  • Now Flatten the size of the input
  • Add a dense hidden layer with activation function "Relu"
  • The activation function in the output layer is "softmax" because the target is multi-classification
  • The hyperparameters are as follows epochs=2, Lrrate=0.01, optimizer is "SGD"

Accuracy: 70.3%

Model 2

  • Convolutional input layer, 32 feature maps with a size of 3×3 and a rectifier activation function.
  • Dropout layer at 20%.Convolutional layer, 32 feature maps with a size of 3×3 and a rectifier activation function.
  • Max Pool layer with size 2×2.Convolutional layer, 64 feature maps with a size of 3×3 and a rectifier activation function.
  • Dropout layer at 20%.
  • Convolutional layer, 64 feature maps with a size of 3×3 and a rectifier activation function.
  • Max Pool layer with size 2×2.Convolutional layer, 128feature maps with a size of 3×3 and a rectifier activation function.
  • Dropout layer at 20%.
  • Convolutional layer,128 feature maps with a size of 3×3 and a rectifier activation function.
  • Max Pool layer with size 2×2.Flatten layer.Dropout layer at 20%.
  • Fully connected layer with 1024units and a rectifier activation function.
  • Dropout layerat 20%.
  • Fully connected layer with 512units and a rectifier activation function.
  • Dropoutlayer at 20%.Fully connected output layer with 10 units and a Softmax activation function

HyperParameters code

Accuracy: 39.8%



Predict 4 images from the Test dataset

  • Code for predicting the results of 4 images in the test data set with the model already got trained
  • As you can see the result the second vector is one hot encoded
  • It shows 1 that is the class it is representing
  • Check the same index value in the predicted values it should be highest compared to other 9 values then it is predicted correctly.
  • The third image has 1 for the 9th class and see the values in the predicted values, it is the highest values.
  • The 3rd image got predicted correctly


  • The Model1 has better accuracy compared to model 2.