Web Programming ICP4 - Saiaishwaryapuppala/CSEE5590-CS490-Web-MobileProgramming GitHub Wiki
Class ID:20
The main objective of this tutorial is to understand the object oriented JavaScript using jQuery, use of API.
Hover image
As a part of this task, when a mouse is hovered on an image, it has to appear on the required box along with the relevant text. The required JavaScript is as follows:
The update functionality generally provides the update of the image and text when the mouse is hovered.
The undo function restores the original image.
The code results the following output:
The original output when mouse isn't hovered
When the mouse is hovered over an image it changes as follows:
Github user finder
As a part of this task, when the user enters a Github username, it results in the list of repositories, ID, total count of repositories using the Github API.
The required code is as follows:
The above function makes an XMLHTTP request and gets the data from an API.
The above function fetches the data when a username is found. And if not it pops up an alert message
The Output follows:
Output for other user:
Video link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zYVX_EuE7UH2NYNVFaLBSIO8hCl37bg-/view?usp=sharing