Troubleshooting - Sageth/phparcade GitHub Wiki

I've made changes manually and now I can't git pull... what now?

$ git fetch --all
$ git reset --hard HEAD~
$ git pull

How do I find out if my permissions are right?

$ namei -om /www/phparcade/

I'm on Digital Ocean and SMTP isn't working

You need to set your precedence, since Digital Ocean doesn't support IPv6 SMTP. Here are the steps for CentOS7 (but should be very similar for other *nix systems)


$ cp /usr/share/doc/glibc-common/gai.conf /etc/gai.conf
echo "precedence ::ffff:0:0/96   100" >> /etc/gai.conf

"Feature XYZ isn't working!" or "I get an error when I do this!"

Post a bug report and I'll do my best to help.

Helpful Queries

      -- Scores in the champs table for which there are no matching scores in the scores table
        SELECT * FROM phparcade.games_champs gc
        WHERE nameid NOT IN (SELECT nameid FROM phparcade.games_score);

       -- Games which have scores, but there is no champ in the champs table
        SELECT * FROM phparcade.games_score
        WHERE nameid NOT IN (SELECT nameid FROM phparcade.games_champs);

       -- Scores for players who don't exist
        SELECT            gs.*
        FROM              games_score gs
        WHERE             player NOT IN (SELECT FROM members m);

       -- Champs for players who don't exist
        SELECT            gc.*
        FROM              games_champs gc
        WHERE             player NOT IN (SELECT FROM members m);

       -- Scores for games which don't exist
        SELECT            gs.*
        FROM              games_score gs
        WHERE             nameid NOT IN (SELECT FROM games g);

        DELETE FROM games_score
        WHERE nameid NOT IN (SELECT FROM games g);

       -- Champs for games which don't exist
        SELECT            gc.*
        FROM              games_champs gc
        WHERE             nameid NOT IN (SELECT FROM games g);

        DELETE FROM games_champs WHERE nameid NOT IN (SELECT FROM games g);