User Stories - SafkatAzad-98/Loan_management_system GitHub Wiki

  1. As a user

    I want to sign up in this LMS

    so that, I can be a member of this LMS.


  • User has to give first name last name username email password to create an account

  • User will be logged in and redirected to home page after creating the account

  1. As a user

    I want to login in this LMS

    so that, I can be a member of this LMS.


  • User has to give first name last name username email password to create an account

  • User will be logged in and redirected to home page after creating the account

  1. As a user

    I want to take loan

    so that, I can use the money.


  • User can use use the money.
  1. As a Loan Manager

    I want to help the new to be lender

    so that, they can take the loan.


  • Loan Manager will help them to take the best loan according to their necessity.
  1. As a Loan Manager

    I want to give options of various catagories of loan

    so that, the lender can choose the best one.


  • Loan manager will help to give the best catagory.
  1. As a Loan Manager

    I want to give the personal information to the Bank Admin

    so that, he can cross check the informations.


  • Loan Manager will provide all personal informations to the Bank Admin.
  1. As a Loan Manager

    I want to give the required loan information to the Bank Admin

    so that, he can cross check the availability of loan.


  • Loan Manager will provide all required loan informations to the Bank Admin.
  1. As a Bank Admin

    I want to verify the personal informations of the lender.

    so that, he can initiate the loan process.


  • Bank admin will check the personal informations provided by the loan manager.
  1. As a Bank admin

    I want check the availability of the loan-catagory

    so that, he can qpprove that required catagory of loan.


  • Bank Admin checks the loan-catagory availability.