Data Guidelines - SafetyGraphics/hep-explorer GitHub Wiki

Data Guidelines

The Safety eDish chart is initialized with JSON data files that match the format created by d3.csv(). The chart is specifically designed for clinical trial safety monitoring, and requires a datasets that contains one row per participant per time point per measure and includes the required columns and fields specified below.

Data Standards

The chart expects an SDTM-esque data structure by default but also easily supports the ADaM data standard (Example : Settings, eDish Graphic). Other, non standard data can also be as long as the data is structured correctly.

Required and optional columns and fields for the SDTM and ADaM data standard are given in the tables below

Required Data Columns Settings

Six variables are required to create an eDish plot: ID, Measure, Value, high and low normal range values and study day. Details and suggested values for ADaM and SDTM are given below.

Settings Variable Description (type) SDTM (Default) ADaM Required?
id_col Unique Subject Identifier (char) USUBJID USUBJID Y
measure_col Name of Measure or Test (chart) TEST PARAM Y
value_col Result or Finding (numeric) STRESN AVAL Y
normal_col_high Upper Limit of Normal (numeric) STNRHI ANRHI Y
normal_col_low Lower Limit of Normal (numeric) STNRLO ANRLO Y
studyday_col Study Day (numeric) DY ADY Y

Optional Data Column Settings

Users may customize the chart with the additional data mappings given below. Note that these are not specified by default, and must be defined by the user. Some suggested mappings for SDTM and ADaM are provided below for reference. See the settings object here for an example of a customized chart.

Settings Variable Description SDTM ADaM Required?
visitn_col Visit Number VISITNUM VISITNUM N
visit_col Visit Name VISIT VISIT N
filter[].value_col Visit-level filter(s) SEX, RACE, etc* N
details[].value_col Person-level descriptive(s) N
group_cols[].value_col Grouping variable(s) ACTARM* TRTA N
baseline.value_col Baseline Visit definition DY ADY N
analysisFlag.value_col Analysis Visit Flag EPOCH ANL01FL N
    • merged from demographics data domain.

Data Field Settings

Field level data is used for identifying key measures for the eDish plot (see settings.measure_details) and identifying baseline visits (see settings.baseline). Suggested values (including the default SDTM values) are shown below, but the user should note that these are very likely to change from study to study.

Usage SDTM Column/Value (default) ADaM Column/Field Value
Define ALT key measure TEST / 'Aminotransferase, alanine (ALT)' PARAM / 'Alanine Aminotransferase (U/L)'
Define AST key measure TEST / 'Aminotransferase, aspartate (AST)' PARAM / 'Aspartate Aminotransferase (U/L)'
Define TB key measure TEST / 'Total Bilirubin' PARAM / 'Bilirubin (umol/L)'
Define ALP key measure TEST / 'Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)' PARAM / 'Alkaline Phosphatase (U/L)'
Define Baseline visit DY / 0 ADY / 0