Typage - Sablayrolles/debates GitHub Wiki
To calculate score on a debates we use some type of EDU(Elementary Discourse Unit) also named segment too here, to put some unitary score. We defined here their types and to what they correspond. We have used the Glozz's software to annotate the training corpus.
We need to defined before the notation of the reactions :
- + : positive reactions like applause or laugh
- 0 : no reactions or few reactions
- - : negative ractions like hoots or sound volume going up
Proposition : The emitter answer to a "Question" or an "Attack" or a "Counterattack".
- Surface_act : "Assertion" or "Question"
- Recipiant : to who or whose it's destinate
- Emitter : who's speaking
- Reaction_public : the reaction of the public
- Reaction_emitter : the reaction of the emitter
- Reaction_recipiant : the reaction of the recipiant
Attack : The emitter send an "attack" verbally to a person
- Surface_act : "Assertion" or "Question"
- Recipiant : to who it's destinate
- Emitter : who's speaking
- Reaction_public : the reaction of the public
- Reaction_emitter : the reaction of the emitter
- Reaction_recipiant : the reaction of the recipiant
Counterattack : The emitter respond to an attack launch against him with another attack
- Surface_act : "Assertion" or "Question"
- Recipiant : to who it's destinate
- Emitter : who's speaking
- Reaction_public : the reaction of the public
- Reaction_emitter : the reaction of the emitter
- Reaction_recipiant : the reaction of the recipiant
Question : The emmiter ask something to a candidate or the presentator to have an answer about
- Surface_act : "Assertion" or "Question"
- Recipiant : to who it's destinate
- Emitter : who's speaking
- Reaction_public : the reaction of the public
- Reaction_emitter : the reaction of the emitter
- Reaction_recipiant : the reaction of the recipiant
Change_of_subject : The emitter try to avoid a question or an attack or an counterattack changing the subject
- Surface_act : "Assertion" or "Question"
- Emitter : who's speaking
Taking_part : The emitter try to validate what he is saying with the help of another person
- Surface_act : "Assertion" or "Question"
- Recipiant : to who it's destinate
- Emitter : who's speaking
Claim : The emitter give his opinion about a subject, a question or anything else
- Surface_act : "Assertion" or "Question"
- Emitter : who's speaking
Support : The emitter try to justify his opinion about a subject, a question or anything else
- Surface_act : "Assertion" or "Question"
- Emitter : who's speaking
Other : Any kind of EDU that can't be classified
- Surface_act : "Assertion" or "Question"
- Emitter : who's speaking