beta GetPromotions - Saba-sports/OddsDirectAPI_CN GitHub Wiki
GET /sports/{version}/GetPromotions
Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: br, gzip, deflate
X-Forwarded-For: client ip (如果通过代理使用API需要额外带入)
Authorization: Bearer {JWT token}
Parameter | Description |
query | 使用Odata指定特定格式的查询 |
language | 指定欲回应的数据语系,请参阅Language Table |
includeMarkets | 指定是否有必要回传market讯息。 如果includeMarkets未指定,则默认回传。 includeMarkets = $filter=bettype eq 128; 仅筛选指定条件Market信息。 includeMarkets = none; 将不回传Market信息。 |
"events": Event[],
"markets": Market[] | null
Name | Format | Description |
events | Event array | 赛事信息列表 |
markets | Market array | 盘口信息列表 |
"sportType": int,
"sportName": string,
"leagueId": int,
"leagueName": string,
"eventId": int,
"eventCode": string,
"eventStatus": string,
"isMainMarket": bool,
"kickOffTime": DateTime,
"globalShowTime": DateTime,
"countryCode": string,
"gameSession": int,
"parentId": int,
"isTest": bool,
"isLive": bool,
"isParlay": bool,
"isVirtualEvent": bool,
"hasLiveMarket": bool,
"marketCount": int,
"marketCategories": int[],
"streamingOption ": int,
"channelCode ": string,
"teamInfo": TeamInfo,//Described in a separate table blow.
"gameInfo": GameInfo,//Described in a separate table blow.
"soccerInfo": SoccerInfo | null,//Described in a separate table blow.
"tennisInfo": TennisInfo | null,//Described in a separate table blow.
"eSportInfo": ESportInfo | null,//Described in a separate table blow.
Name | Format | Description | Queryable | Query Example |
sportType | int | 体育项目ID | Yes | $filter=sporttype eq 1 |
sportName | string | 体育项目名称 | Yes | $filter=sportname eq 'Soccer' |
leagueId | int | 联赛ID | Yes | $filter=leagueid eq 56038 |
leagueName | string | 联赛名称 | Yes | $filter=leaguename eq '*UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE' or $filter=contains(leaguename,'NBA') |
eventId | int | 赛事ID | Yes | $filter=eventid eq 38255274 |
eventCode | string | 赛事代码 | No | — |
eventStatus | string | 赛事状态 running/closed/postponed/ deleted |
No | — |
isMainMarket | bool | 是否为主要盘口 | Yes | $filter=ismainmarket eq true |
kickOffTime | DateTime | 系统开赛时间 (时区GMT+0) | No | — |
globalShowTime | DateTime | 开赛时间 (时区GMT+0) | No | — |
countryCode | string | 联赛国别代码 | No | — |
gameSession | int | 赛事比赛有多少节 | No | — |
parentId | int | 该赛事的母赛事ID | No | — |
isTest | bool | 是否为测试赛事 | No | — |
isLive | bool | 是否为滚球赛事 | Yes | $filter=islive eq true |
isParlay | bool | 是否为串关赛事 | Yes | $filter=isparlay eq true |
isCashout | bool | 赛事是否支持实时兑现 | Yes | $filter=iscashout eq true |
isVirtualEvent | bool | 是否为虚拟赛事 | Yes | $filter=isvirtualevent eq true |
hasLiveMarket | bool | 是否有滚球盘口 | No | — |
marketCount | int | 该赛事的所有盘口数量 | No | — |
marketCategories | int[] | 该赛事的所有盘口投注类型 | No | — |
streamingOption | int | 视频ID | No | — |
channelCode | string | 视频代码 | No | — |
teamInfo | TeamInfo | 团队相关信息 | No | — |
gameInfo | GameInfo | 球赛相关信息 | No | — |
soccerInfo | SoccerInfo | 足球相关信息 | No | — |
tennisInfo | TennisInfo | 网球相关信息 | No | — |
eSportInfo | ESportInfo | 电子竞技相关信息 | No | — |
"homeId": int,
"homeName": string,
"homeIconUrl": string
"awayId": int,
"awayName": string,
"awayIconUrl": string
Name | Format | Description | Queryable | Query Example |
homeId | int | 主队ID | Yes | $filter=homeId eq 17892 |
homeName | string | 主队名称 | Yes | $filter=contains(homename,'Field') |
homeIconUrl | string | 主队队徽URL, 如果图片不存在请使用预设主队队徽URL {domain}/TeamImg/team_flag_home.png |
No | - |
awayId | int | 客队ID | Yes | $filter=awayid eq 714227 |
awayName | string | 客队名称 | Yes | $filter=contains(awayname,'Lakers') |
awayIconUrl | string | 客队队徽URL, 如果图片不存在请使用预设客队队徽URL {domain}/TeamImg/team_flag_away.png |
No | - |
"livePeriod": byte,
"isNeutral": bool,
"isHt": bool,
"isBreak": bool,
"isClosed": bool,
"inJuryTime": int,
"delayLive": bool,
"gameStatus" byte,
"inPlayTime": string,
"liveHomeScore": int,
"liveAwayScore": int
Name | Format | Description | Queryable | Query Example |
livePeriod | byte | 目前进行到第几节 | No | — |
isNeutral | bool | 是否为中立场 | No | — |
isHt | bool | 是否为中场休息 | No | — |
isBreak | bool | 赛事是否中断(休息时间) | No | — |
isClosed | bool | 赛事是否关闭 | No | — |
inJuryTime | byte | 伤停时间 | No | — |
delayLive | bool | 赛事是否延迟 | No | — |
gameStatus | byte | 球赛状态 1=PRC(有可能被判红牌); 2=PPen(有可能被判点球); 3=VAR(视频助理裁判); 4=Penalty(点球); 5=Injury(球员受伤); 6=Sudden Death(骤死赛) |
No | — |
inPlayTime | string | 目前赛事时间 | No | — |
liveHomeScore | int | 主队滚球分数 | No | — |
liveAwayScore | int | 客队滚球分数 | No | — |
Name | Format | Description | Queryable | Query Example |
homeRedCard | byte | 主场红牌数 | No | — |
awayRedCard | byte | 客场红牌数 | No | — |
homeYellowCard | byte | 主场黄牌数 | No | — |
awayYellowCard | byte | 客场黄牌数 | No | — |
"homeGameScore": int[],
"awayGameScore": int[],
"homePointScore": string,
"awayPointScore": string,
"currentSet": int,
"currentServe": int
Name | Format | Description | Queryable | Query Example |
homeGameScore | int[] | 主队每盘获得局数 | No | — |
awayGameScore | int[] | 客队每盘获得局数 | No | — |
homePointScore | string | 主队目前局数比分 | No | — |
awayPointScore | string | 客队目前局数比分 | No | — |
currentSet | int | 目前盘数 | No | — |
currentServe | int | 目前发球方 | No | — |
"bestOfMap": int,
"isStartingSoon": bool,
"moveBO3Down": bool,
"overTimeSession": int,
"leagueGroup": string,
"leagueGroupId": int
Name | Format | Description | Queryable | Query Example |
bestOfMap | int | Best Of Map标识会打几个地图 | No | — |
isStartingSoon | bool | S是否即将开赛 | No | — |
moveBO3Down | bool | 控制是否显示网页的旗帜 | No | — |
overTimeSession | int | 联赛信息 1 → Dota2 ; 2 → LOL ; 3 → CS2 ; 4 → KOG ; 99 → Others |
No | — |
leagueGroup | string | 电子竞技联赛名称 | No | — |
leagueGroupId | int | 电子竞技联赛ID | No | — |
"sportType": int,
"eventId": int,
"betType": int,
"betTypeName": string,
"sportType": int,
"marketId": int,
"maxBet": decimal,
"isLive": bool,
"marketStatus": string,
"gameMap": short?,
"gameRound": short?,
"resourceId": string,
"category": int,
"sort": int,
"combo": int,
"selections": SelectionInfo[]
Name | Format | Description | Queryable | Query Example |
sportType | int | 体育项目ID | Yes | $filter=sporttype eq 1 |
eventId | int | 赛事ID | Yes | $filter=eventid eq 38255274 |
betType | int | 投注类型 | Yes | $filter=bettype eq 128 |
betTypeName | string | 投注类型名称 | No | — |
marketId | int | 盘口ID | Yes | $filter=marketed eq 274175476 |
maxBet | decimal | 最大投注限额 | No | — |
isLive | bool | 是否为滚球赛事 | Yes | $filter=islive eq true |
marketStatus | string | 盘口状态 running / suspend / closePrice / closed |
No | — |
gameMap | short? | [电子竞技专用]游戏地图 when sport type = 43 and bet type in 9001-9100 |
No | — |
gameRound | short? | [电子竞技专用] 游戏回合 when sport type = 43 and bet type = 9007, 9011, 9027, 9062, 9068, 9070, 9071, 9072, 9073, 9077 |
No | — |
resourceId | string | 资源 ID | No | — |
category | int | 投注类型分类 0: None (主要) ; 1: FullTime (全场) ; 2: Half (半场) ; 3: Corners (角球) ; 4: Bookings (罚牌) ; 5: Intervals (区间) ; 6: Specials (特别产品) ; 7: Players (选手) ; 8: ExtraTime (加时) ; 9: FastMarket (快速盘口) ; 10: Quarter (节) ; 11-19: E-Sports Map 1-9 |
No | — |
sort | int | 排序 when bet type=1,3,7,8 and have multiple point. |
No | — |
combo | int | 赛事串关限制 | No | — |
selections | SelectionInfo[] | 盘口赔率项目列表 | No | — |
"key": string,
"keyName": string,
"point": decimal?,
"point2": decimal?,
"oddsPrice": OddsPriceInfo
Name | Format | Description | Queryable | Query Example |
key | string | 投注类型选项 | No | — |
keyName | string | 投注类型选项名称 | No | — |
point | decimal? | 球头 | No | — |
point2 | decimal? | 球头2 Only for bet type=646; point=HDP, point2=OU |
No | — |
oddsPrice | OddsPriceInfo | 赔率相关信息 | No | — |
"parlayPrice": decimal,
"malayPrice": decimal,
"hongKongPrice": decimal,
"decimalPrice": decimal,
"indoPrice": decimal,
"americanPrice": decimal
Name | Format | Description | Queryable | Query Example |
parlayPrice | decimal | 串关赔率 | No | — |
malayPrice | decimal | 马来盘赔率 | No | — |
hongKongPrice | decimal | 香港盘赔率 | No | — |
decimalPrice | decimal | 欧洲盘赔率 | No | — |
indoPrice | decimal | 印度尼西亚盘赔率 | No | — |
americanPrice | decimal | 美国盘赔率 | No | — |