GetPromotions - Saba-sports/OddsDirectAPI_CN GitHub Wiki



GET  /sports/{version}/GetPromotions
Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: br, gzip, deflate
X-Forwarded-For: client ip (如果通过代理使用API需要额外带入)
Authorization: Bearer {JWT token}
Parameter Description
query 使用Odata指定特定格式的查询
language 指定欲回应的数据语系,请参阅Language Table
includeMarkets 指定是否有必要回传market讯息。
includeMarkets = $filter=bettype eq 128; 仅筛选指定条件Market信息。
includeMarkets = none; 将不回传Market信息。


    "events": Event[],
    "markets": Market[] | null 
Name Format Description
events Event array 赛事信息列表
markets Market array 盘口信息列表


	"sportType": int,
	"sportName": string,
	"leagueId": int,
	"leagueName": string,
	"eventId": int,
	"eventCode": string,
	"eventStatus": string,
	"isMainMarket": bool,
	"kickOffTime": DateTime,
	"globalShowTime": DateTime,
	"countryCode": string,
	"gameSession": int,
	"parentId": int,
	"isTest": bool,
	"isLive": bool,
	"isParlay": bool,
	"isVirtualEvent": bool,
	"hasLiveMarket": bool,
	"marketCount": int,
	"marketCategories": int[],
	"streamingOption ": int,
	"channelCode ": string,
	"teamInfo": TeamInfo,//Described in a separate table blow.
	"gameInfo": GameInfo,//Described in a separate table blow.
	"soccerInfo": SoccerInfo | null,//Described in a separate table blow.
	"tennisInfo": TennisInfo | null,//Described in a separate table blow.
	"eSportInfo": ESportInfo | null,//Described in a separate table blow.
Name Format Description Queryable Query Example
sportType int 体育项目ID Yes $filter=sporttype eq 1
sportName string 体育项目名称 Yes $filter=sportname eq 'Soccer'
leagueId int 联赛ID Yes $filter=leagueid eq 56038
leagueName string 联赛名称 Yes $filter=leaguename eq '*UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE' or $filter=contains(leaguename,'NBA')
eventId int 赛事ID Yes $filter=eventid eq 38255274
eventCode string 赛事代码 No
eventStatus string 赛事状态
running/closed/postponed/ deleted
isMainMarket bool 是否为主要盘口 Yes $filter=ismainmarket eq true
kickOffTime DateTime 系统开赛时间 (时区GMT+0) No
globalShowTime DateTime 开赛时间 (时区GMT+0) No
countryCode string 联赛国别代码 No
gameSession int 赛事比赛有多少节 No
parentId int 该赛事的母赛事ID No
isTest bool 是否为测试赛事 No
isLive bool 是否为滚球赛事 Yes $filter=islive eq true
isParlay bool 是否为串关赛事 Yes $filter=isparlay eq true
isCashout bool 赛事是否支持实时兑现 Yes $filter=iscashout eq true
isVirtualEvent bool 是否为虚拟赛事 Yes $filter=isvirtualevent eq true
hasLiveMarket bool 是否有滚球盘口 No
marketCount int 该赛事的所有盘口数量 No
marketCategories int[] 该赛事的所有盘口投注类型 No
streamingOption int 视频ID No
channelCode string 视频代码 No
teamInfo TeamInfo 团队相关信息 No
gameInfo GameInfo 球赛相关信息 No
soccerInfo SoccerInfo 足球相关信息 No
tennisInfo TennisInfo 网球相关信息 No
eSportInfo ESportInfo 电子竞技相关信息 No


	"homeId": int,
	"homeName": string,
	"homeIconUrl": string
	"awayId": int,
	"awayName": string,
	"awayIconUrl": string
Name Format Description Queryable Query Example
homeId int 主队ID Yes $filter=homeId eq 17892
homeName string 主队名称 Yes $filter=contains(homename,'Field')
homeIconUrl string 主队队徽URL, 如果图片不存在请使用预设主队队徽URL
No -
awayId int 客队ID Yes $filter=awayid eq 714227
awayName string 客队名称 Yes $filter=contains(awayname,'Lakers')
awayIconUrl string 客队队徽URL, 如果图片不存在请使用预设客队队徽URL
No -


	"livePeriod": byte,
	"isNeutral": bool,
	"isHt": bool,
	"isBreak": bool,
	"isClosed": bool,
	"inJuryTime": int,
	"delayLive": bool,
	"gameStatus" byte,
	"inPlayTime": string,
	"liveHomeScore": int,
	"liveAwayScore": int
Name Format Description Queryable Query Example
livePeriod byte 目前进行到第几节 No
isNeutral bool 是否为中立场 No
isHt bool 是否为中场休息 No
isBreak bool 赛事是否中断(休息时间) No
isClosed bool 赛事是否关闭 No
inJuryTime byte 伤停时间 No
delayLive bool 赛事是否延迟 No
gameStatus byte 球赛状态
6=Sudden Death(骤死赛)
inPlayTime string 目前赛事时间 No
liveHomeScore int 主队滚球分数 No
liveAwayScore int 客队滚球分数 No


Name Format Description Queryable Query Example
homeRedCard byte 主场红牌数 No
awayRedCard byte 客场红牌数 No
homeYellowCard byte 主场黄牌数 No
awayYellowCard byte 客场黄牌数 No


	"homeGameScore": int[],
	"awayGameScore": int[],
	"homePointScore": string,
	"awayPointScore": string,
	"currentSet": int,
	"currentServe": int
Name Format Description Queryable Query Example
homeGameScore int[] 主队每盘获得局数 No
awayGameScore int[] 客队每盘获得局数 No
homePointScore string 主队目前局数比分 No
awayPointScore string 客队目前局数比分 No
currentSet int 目前盘数 No
currentServe int 目前发球方 No


	"bestOfMap": int,
	"isStartingSoon": bool,
	"moveBO3Down": bool,
	"overTimeSession": int,
	"leagueGroup": string,
	"leagueGroupId": int
Name Format Description Queryable Query Example
bestOfMap int Best Of Map标识会打几个地图 No
isStartingSoon bool S是否即将开赛 No
moveBO3Down bool 控制是否显示网页的旗帜 No
overTimeSession int 联赛信息
1 → Dota2 ; 2 → LOL ; 3 → CS2 ; 4 → KOG ; 99 → Others
leagueGroup string 电子竞技联赛名称 No
leagueGroupId int 电子竞技联赛ID No


    "sportType": int,
	"eventId": int,
	"betType": int,
	"betTypeName": string,
	"sportType": int,
	"marketId": int,
	"maxBet": decimal,
	"isLive": bool,
	"marketStatus": string,
	"gameMap": short?,
	"gameRound": short?,
	"resourceId": string,
	"category": int,
	"sort": int,
	"combo": int,
	"selections": SelectionInfo[]
Name Format Description Queryable Query Example
sportType int 体育项目ID Yes $filter=sporttype eq 1
eventId int 赛事ID Yes $filter=eventid eq 38255274
betType int 投注类型 Yes $filter=bettype eq 128
betTypeName string 投注类型名称 No
marketId int 盘口ID Yes $filter=marketed eq 274175476
maxBet decimal 最大投注限额 No
isLive bool 是否为滚球赛事 Yes $filter=islive eq true
marketStatus string 盘口状态
running / suspend / closePrice / closed
gameMap short? [电子竞技专用]游戏地图
when sport type = 43 and bet type in 9001-9100
gameRound short? [电子竞技专用] 游戏回合
when sport type = 43 and bet type = 9007, 9011, 9027, 9062, 9068, 9070, 9071, 9072, 9073, 9077
resourceId string 资源 ID No
category int 投注类型分类
0: None (主要) ;
1: FullTime (全场) ;
2: Half (半场) ;
3: Corners (角球) ;
4: Bookings (罚牌) ;
5: Intervals (区间) ;
6: Specials (特别产品) ;
7: Players (选手) ;
8: ExtraTime (加时) ;
9: FastMarket (快速盘口) ;
10: Quarter (节) ;
11-19: E-Sports Map 1-9
sort int 排序
when bet type=1,3,7,8 and have multiple point.
combo int 赛事串关限制 No
selections SelectionInfo[] 盘口赔率项目列表 No


	    "key": string,
	    "keyName": string,
	    "point": decimal?,
	    "point2": decimal?,
	    "oddsPrice": OddsPriceInfo
Name Format Description Queryable Query Example
key string 投注类型选项 No
keyName string 投注类型选项名称 No
point decimal? 球头 No
point2 decimal? 球头2
Only for bet type=646;
point=HDP, point2=OU
oddsPrice OddsPriceInfo 赔率相关信息 No
	"parlayPrice": decimal,
	"malayPrice": decimal,
	"hongKongPrice": decimal,
	"decimalPrice": decimal,
	"indoPrice": decimal,
	"americanPrice": decimal
Name Format Description Queryable Query Example
parlayPrice decimal 串关赔率 No
malayPrice decimal 马来盘赔率 No
hongKongPrice decimal 香港盘赔率 No
decimalPrice decimal 欧洲盘赔率 No
indoPrice decimal 印度尼西亚盘赔率 No
americanPrice decimal 美国盘赔率 No
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