PlaceParlayBet - Saba-sports/OddsDirectAPI GitHub Wiki

This API is to bet on parlay events.


POST  /betting/{version}/PlaceParlayBet
Content-Type: application/json
X-Forwarded-For: client ip (If using API via proxy)
Authorization: Bearer {JWT token}

use json request

        "vendorTransId": string,
        "priceOption": int,
        "tickets": [
            "sporttype": int,
            "marketid": int,
            "point": decimal,
            "key": string,
            "price": decimal
            "sporttype": int,
            "marketid": int,
            "point": decimal,
            "key": string,
            "price": decimal
        "combos": [
            "combotype": string,
            "stake": int
        "language": string
Parameter Format Mandatory Description
betInfo BetInfo Yes Specifies an array of bet information.


Parameter Format Length Mandatory Description
vendorTransId string 50 Yes Specifies the transaction number of the vendor.
When connection timeout, please use this ID to use /CheckPlaceBet to confirm the status of the bet. Recommended to use a unique value .
priceOption byte byte -- Specifies the option of the betting when odds change.
0:reject odds change (default) ; 1:accept any change odds
tickets Tickets Array Yes Specifies an array of the ticket information.
combos Combos Array Yes Specifies an array of combo information.
language string -- Specific the language of the response context.
Parameter Format Length Mandatory Description
sportType int Yes Specifies the identifier of the sport.
marketId int Yes Specifies the identifier of the market.
point decimal 8.2 Yes Specifies the point spread.
key string 10 Yes Specifies the key of the selection.
price decimal 8.2 Yes Specifies the price.
Parameter Format Length Mandatory Description
comboType string Yes Specifies the name of parlay combo category.
please refer to Parlay Combo Enumeration below.
stake int Yes Specifies the stake amount of the bet.


    "transId": long,
    "sysTransId": long,
    "luckyTransId": long,
    "totalStake": int,
    "maxBet": decimal,
    "minBet": decimal,
    "betStatus": short,
    "parlayBetAcceptSec": int,
    "parlayTicketStatus": string,
    "singleTickets": SingleTicketInfo[],
    "currentCombos": CurrentComboInfo[],
    "priceInfos": PriceInfo[],
Parameter Format Description
transId long Specifies the transaction number of saba system.
sysTransId long Specifies the transaction number of system parlay
luckyTransId long Specifies the transaction number of lucky parlay.
totalStake int Specifies the total amount of stake.
maxBet decimal Specifies the maximum bet amount for the market.
minBet decimal Specifies the minimum bet amount for the market.
betStatus short Specifies the status of betting.
0 :success ;1 :fail
parlayBetAcceptSec int Specifies the waiting time of betting parlay.
parlayTicketStatus string Specifies the status of parlay ticket.
running / waiting
singleTickets SingleTicketInfo Array Lucky Parlay only.
Specifies an array of single ticket information.
currentCombos CurrentComboInfo Array Specifies an array of current parlay bet combos.
priceInfos PriceInfo Array Specifies an array of current price information.


        "transId": long,
        "price": double,
        "stake": int,
        "maxBet": decimal,
        "minBet": decimal,
        "ticketStatus": string,
Parameter Format Description
TransId long Transaction ID of this single bet ticket
Price double The price of this single bet ticket
Stake int The betting stake of this single bet ticket
MaxBet decimal The maximum bet amount for this single bet ticket
MinBet decimal The minimum bet amount for this single bet ticket
TicketStatus string Initial status of the ticket


        "comboPrice": double,
        "comboType": string,
        "stake": int,
        "betCount": int,
        "maxBet": decimal,
        "abnormalMarketList": ParlayAbnormalMarket[]
Parameter Format Description
comboPrice double Specifies the combination of the parlay odds
comboType string

Specifies the information of the parlay combo category.

please refer to Parlay Combo Enumeration below.

stake int Specifies the stake amount of the bet.
betCount int Specifies the betting stake count.
maxBet decimal Specifies the maximum bet amount for the market.
abnormalMarketList ParlayAbnormalMarket[] Specifies For Exception:Parlay odds lower than min odds(B039), Please refer to Exception.


        "stateCode": int,
        "stateMessage": string,
        "currentPrice": decimal,
        "marketId": int,
        "key": string,
        "sportType": int,
        "point": decimal,
        "betType": int,
        "oddsType": int,
        "status": string,
        "liveHomeScore": int,
        "liveAwayScore": int
Parameter Format Description
stateCode int Specifies the stake code of parlay selection.
6:Point is expired
8:Odds change
12:Odds suspend
17:Odds error
18:In play changed
22:Score change
23:Point change
stateMessage string Specifies the stake code of parlay selection.
currentPrice decimal Specifies the current price of betting.
marketId int Specifies the identifier of the market.
key string Specifies the key of the selection.
sportType int Specifies the identifier of the sport.
point decimal Specifies the point spread.
betType int Specifies the type of the betting.
oddsType int Specifies the type of the odds.
1 : Malay Odds ; 2 : Hong Kong Odds ; 3 : Decimal Odds ; 4 : Indo Odds ; 5 : American Odds
status string Specifies the status of the market.
running / suspend / closePrice / closed
liveHomeScore int Specifies the current score of home team.
liveAwayScore int Specifies the current score of away team.


Parameter Format Description
marketId int Specifies the identifier of the market.
minOdds decimal Specifies Min odds Setting By Market.
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️