GitHub Guideline - SWTube/Darkest-Cave GitHub Wiki


Git Branch

master < release < develop < feature

Naming Convention


When to Push to develop?

When feature is complete, then report to PM, then push/merge the branch.
Other members should then pull develop and update their individual feature branches

Commit Message

  • categories
    • [ADD] -> added new features
    • [CHANGE] -> changed features / codes for improvements etc.
    • [FIX] -> fixed errors such as syntax errors
    • [NEW] -> created new file
    • [REMOVE] -> removed file
    • [ROLLBACK] -> removed changes
[CATEGORY] - [simple message]

[detailed description]
why committed?
what was the bug issue?
include url to the issue tracker if there is one

Coding Review

Weekly. Done via GitHub.



Basic Commands

Purpose Command
Create repo git init
Add <file-name> into repo git add <file-name>
Propose changes to repo git commit
Check repo status git status
Add <branch-name> to repo git branch <branch-name>
Change current branch git checkout <branch-name>
Merge <branch-name> git merge <branch-name>
Create new directory <dir-name> mkdir <dir-name>
Print <file-name> cat <file-name>
Print what's inside current directory ls
Move to directory <dir-name> cd <dir-name>

example work flow

  • Create branch
  • Checkout to temporary branch
  • Create / add files
  • Edit files
  • Commit edited files to repo
  • Checkout to original master branch
  • Merge temporary branch to master branch
  • Create branch
  • ...

Vim Commands

Purpose Current Mode Command
insert mode (starting from current position) normal i
insert mode (starting from next line) normal o
insert mode (starting after a character) normal a
normal mode (from insert or command mode) write, command esc
command mode normal (from normal mode):
save command w
exit command q

Git Bash Prompt Example

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in c:/Users/SWTube/git_tutorial/.git/

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (master)
$ vim
  • (master)
print("Hello World")
SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (master)
$ cat
print("Hello World")

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (master)
$ python
Hello World

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (master)
$ git status
On branch master

Initial commit

Untracked files:
    (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (master)
$ git add

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (master)
$ git status
On branch master

Initial commit

Changes to be committed:
    (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)

        new file:

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (master)
$ git commit

Default would be using vim editor to add commit message.
Use i to get to insert mode, and :wq to save and exit. For example: create "hello world" program

$ git commit
[master (root-commit) 4204f1c] create "hello world" program
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (master)
$ git branch

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (master)
$ git branch hotfix

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (master)
$ git branch

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (master)
$ git checkout hotfix
Switched to branch hotfix

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (hotfix)
$ ls

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (hotfix)
$ vim
  • (hotfix)
print("Hello World")
print("Tell Your World")
SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (hotfix)
$ cat
print("Hello World")
print("Tell Your World")

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (hotfix)
$ python
Hello World
Tell Your World

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (hotfix)
$ git status
On branch hotfix
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)


no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (hotfix)
$ git commit -am "added output 'Tell Your World'"
[hotfix 13d3028] added output 'Tell Your World'|
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (hotfix)
$ git status
On branch hotfix
nothing to commit, working directory clean

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (hotfix)
$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (master)
$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working directory clean

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (master)
$ ls

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (master)
$ cat
print("Hello World")

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (master)
$ python
Hello World

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (master)
$ git merge hotfix
Updating 4204f1c..13d3028
Fast-forward | 1
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (master)
$ ls

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (master)
$ cat
print("Hello World")
print("Tell Your World")

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (master)
$ python
Hello World
Tell Your World
  • (master)
print("Hello World")
print("Tell Your World")
print("Tell His World")
SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (master)
$ python
Hello World
Tell Your World
Tell His World

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (master)
$ git commit
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (master)
$ git commit -am "added output 'Tell His World'"

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (master)
$ git checkout hotfix

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (hotfix)
$ vim
  • (hotfix)
print("Hello World")
print("Tell Your World")
print("Tell Her World")
SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (hotfix)
$ git commit -am "added output 'Tell Her World'"

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (hotfix)
$ touch .gitignore

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (hotfix)
$ ls

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (hotfix)
$ ls -a
./  .gitignore
Search Operating Systems, IDEs, Programming Language
Windows, Pycharm, Python

Copy the details into .gitignore file

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (hotfix)
$ git add .gitignore

SWTube@SWTube ~/git_tutorial (hotfix)
$ git commit -m "added ',gitignore' file"

GitHub Collaboration

Collaboration Tools

Issue Tracker

  • Board, Forum
  • Used to issue anything concerning to project such as report bugs, suggest improvements
  • Format
    • In-charge: Person in-charge of issues
    • Notification: @ format can notify specific team/person
    • Label: categorizes issues
    • Commit Reference: links automatically to the commit when commit hash is given
    • Milestone: Sets markers to group issues


Uses markdown

Pull Request

When user forks the repo, and wants to merge his forked version to the original repo, the user files a "Pull Request"

Code Review

Click commits from repo, choose a commit, use comments to the commit to do code reviews.

Collaboration Rules

Commit Measure

  • Every commit should have only one purpose and meaning. Purpose should remain unique even though multiple files are edited. This includes bug fixes and new function additions.
  • Fixed one file but has two purposes are prohibited. Fixing bugs and adding new functions should be separated.

Commit Message

[category] - [simple message]

[detailed description]
why committed?
what was the bug issue?
include url to the issue tracker if there is one


[fix] - fixed syntax error

syntax error found in, line 341
included missing colon(:) after for controlling expression
  commit 3114a97ba188895daff4a3d337b2c73855d4632d
  Author: [removed]
  Date:   Mon Jun 11 17:16:10 2012 +0100

    Update default policies for KVM guest PIT & RTC timers

    The default policies for the KVM guest PIT and RTC timers
    are not very good at maintaining reliable time in guest
    operating systems. In particular Windows 7 guests will
    often crash with the default KVM timer policies, and old
    Linux guests will have very bad time drift

    Set the PIT such that missed ticks are injected at the
    normal rate, ie they are delayed

    Set the RTC such that missed ticks are injected at a
    higher rate to "catch up"

    This corresponds to the following libvirt XML

      <clock offset='utc'>
        <timer name='pit' tickpolicy='delay'/>
        <timer name='rtc' tickpolicy='catchup'/>

    And the following KVM options

      -rtc base=utc,driftfix=slew

    This should provide a default configuration that works
    acceptably for most OS types. In the future this will
    likely need to be made configurable per-guest OS type.

    Closes-Bug: #1011848

    Change-Id: Iafb0e2192b5f3c05b6395ffdfa14f86a98ce3d1f

Branch Naming

  • new - to add new features
  • test - to test something (library / distribution environment / experiment / etc)
  • bug - to fix bugs



Tag, Version Naming

  • Version x.y.z
    • x is increased when changes doesn't have compatibility
    • y is increased when new features are added but still has compatibility
    • z is increased when bug fixes occur but still has compatibility

Collaboration Workflow


Using "A successful Git branching model" by Vincent Driessen

  • develop branch
  • feature branch
  • release branch
  • master branch
  • hotfix branch

develop branch

  • Only one develop branch can exist.
  • Every development starts in this branch
  • But changes doesn't directly commit to develop branch
  • Only feature, release, hotfix branches can merge

feature branch

  • Various can exist
  • Based on develop branch, new features / bug fixes occur
  • Each branch has single feature / purpose

example workflow

  • development branch init
  • various features are being developed
  • finished features are merged to `development

release branch

  • Only bug fixes
    • bug fixes should of course be merged to both develop and release
  • Only comes from develop branch

example workflow

  • development branch init
  • various features are being developed
  • finished features are merged to `development
  • first releasable release branch merged from develop branch
  • meanwhile, new features are continuously being developed and merged

master branch

  • Only related with release and hotfix
  • Just like develop branch, only merge commit is possible

hotfix branch

  • When released code need bug hotfix
  • hotfix is directly merged to develop and master

Sum Up

  • develop branch init
  • feature branch init based on develop
  • feature branches start developing new features
  • once development is done, pull request / merge branch to development
  • when release schedule comes, init release branch based on develop branch
  • focus on fixing bugs in release branch, merge fixes to develop
  • when release schedule arrives, init master branch based on release branch, and release the program
  • init hotfix when bugs are found in master branch, the released version
  • merge hotfix into develop and master
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️