Using Admin Commands & Tools To Create A Beast Master Super Lab - SWG-Source/swg-main GitHub Wiki

The quickest way to test the incubation aspects of Beast Master is to use admin commands and tools to create a “super lab” and stock it. You won’t need to deal with any enzyme processing equipment as you would in a normal lab as you can just generate your enzymes.

These are the materials that you will need:

• Incubator(s)

• Geothermal power

• Hydrolase

• Isomerase

• Lyase

• God Mode Incubator Radial Menu


• Beast Abilities

Obviously the first thing to do is enter god mode (/setgod).

(1) Incubator

There are different ways to acquire an incubator, craft it, spawn it, get it from the blue frog etc. The quickest method is to just spawn it using this command:

/object spawn object/tangible/crafting/station/incubator_station.iff

There are two key stats on the incubator – quality rating and functionality rating. The former is responsible for some of the stats on your beast eggs while the latter is responsible for how long each incubation session takes. The cap on each is 4.0 and on normal incubators you can only push one of them to that cap, with admin commands you can push both:

/objvar set <OID> crafting.stationMod 4.0

/objvar set <OID> crafting.stationMod_1 4.0

Take the , object ID, from the text above the incubator once you place it in your lab, then replace in those commands with that number.

Another aspect of the beast master incubation system is mutations. You achieve those by using the correct colour isomerase and lyase for a specific creature’s DNA which will then result in a stat boost and repeating that on a successive experimentation session can yield an appearance mutation e.g. Acklay to Mutant Acklay.

There is also a heavy element of luck involved in that system as you have a base chance of 14% per session to get a mutation (stat or appearance). You can bypass that entirely by applying the following command to your incubator but I would recommend that you simply spawn a second incubator specifically for this purpose to leave your main incubator unaffected:

/objvar set qa.forceMutate 1

With that object variable applied to your incubator the isomerase and lyase colours are ignored, the mutation chance % goes to 100% and essentially every experimentation session will be a successful mutation.

(2) Geothermal Power

This is dependent on what resources have spawned on your server. You are looking for a resource with 960+ for potential energy and overall quality. If you don’t have one then you can always alter an existing resource in the Oracle database or add a completely new one then reboot your server.

Access the character builder terminal (blue frog) and following these menu options:

Best Resource >> Energy >> energy_renewable_site_limited_geothermal

That will then drop 1000k of the best geothermal power available on your server into your inventory.

(3) Hydrolase

This enzyme is directly responsible for the ability points your beast egg has. You can obtain 20 points per experimentation session to end up with a 60 point pet. There is a second function here too which is to increase mutation chance. When refining this enzyme you are forced to choose which of those stats to cap, with admin commands that is not an issue:

/qatool enzyme 20 20

This will result in a Hydrolase dropping into your inventory that has +20 points and +20 mutagen. You will need 3 of these for each beast egg you want to produce.

(4) Isomerase

This enzyme also directly contributes to your beast egg stats and the colour plays a role in the mutation process. The cap on the stats here is 90% and fortunately when you admin spawn an Isomerase you get capped stats:

/qatool iso

You will need 6 of these for each beast egg you want to produce.

(5) Lyase

Once more, this enzyme directly contributes to your beast egg stats and the colour plays a role in the mutation process. The quality here decides how many stats on your beast egg are boosted with the cap being 11.

/qatool lyase

You will need 3 of these for each beast egg you want to produce.

(6) God Mode Incubator Radial Menu

A limiting factor on the creation of beast eggs is the time frame for each experimentation session. It can be reduced by a number of factors such as expertise boxes, skill mods, city bonuses to get it down from 12 hours per session, 36 hours per beast egg by simply being in god mode and using the radial menu on your incubator.

Once you have initiated an experimentation session, radial the incubator, go to the “Incubator Management” sub-menu and you will have a new option there for “GodMode Clear Incubator Cooldown”.

This will instantly complete the experimentation session and allow you to start up the next one. Using this method you can create a beast egg within a couple of minutes.

(7) DNA Containers

The quickest way to obtain DNA containers is by using the QA tool as follows:

/qatool lootsearch storage

This will bring up a list of anything from with the word “storage” in the title and you will see a lot of DNA Storage Containers showing up. Alternatively you can get more specific:

/qatool lootsearch minstyngar or /qatool lootsearch gualama

(8) Beast Abilties

Every beast master pet falls into a specific ability group which decides what specials that pet can learn. The normal process to acquire these has you finding a wild spawn that uses the ability you want and then getting it to use it on you or your pet while you spam the creature knowledge ability. You can bypass that by using this:

/qatool lootsearch holocron

This will bring up a list which will include “Beast Ability Holocrons” and there is one of those for each beast special that can be learned in the game. Simply use the holocron and then you will be able to teach that ability to any pet that is in an ability group that can learn it.

Additional Tips

o Macro Your Enzymes

You already know that you need 3x Hydrolase, 6x Isomerase and 3x Lyase for each beast egg so make a macro that spits out exactly those quantities:

/qatool enzyme 20 20;

/pause 0.1;

/qatool enzyme 20 20;

/pause 0.1;

/qatool enzyme 20 20;

/pause 0.1;

/qatool iso;

/pause 0.1;

/qatool iso;

/pause 0.1;

/qatool iso;

/pause 0.1;

/qatool iso;

/pause 0.1;

/qatool iso;

/pause 0.1;

/qatool iso;

/pause 0.1;

/qatool lyase;

/pause 0.1;

/qatool lyase;

/pause 0.1;

/qatool lyase;

/pause 0.1;

Using that macro will save you a lot of time if you are running a series of beast egg incubations. Alternatively just stockpile the enzymes in advance.

o BM Vendors

In order to assist with access to DNA containers, beast ability holocrons and BM related gear such as the shock collar (temp boost to creatrure size), beast muzzle (temp reduction to creature size) we have added four vendors that you can use admin commands to spawn:

/spawn vendor_bm_0

/spawn vendor_bm_1

/spawn vendor_bm_2

/spawn vendor_bm_3

The first three vendors split out the DNA containers alphabetically. It requires three vendors because as with players, vendors have an inventory limit. The fourth vendor contains the BM related items.

The vendors will despawn upon a server reboot. If you persist them directly then their inventory list shows up blank after the reboot. The method that has worked best for me is to use ground spawners for each vendor. You can do this using a UI wizard by entering god mode and then using a verbal command, no forward slash, this is just as if your character is saying the command out loud:


This will initiate the UI wizard to set up the spawn parameters for each vendor. Use the creature names for them: vendor_bm_0 / vendor_bm_1 / vendor_bm_2 / vendor_bm_3

The direction your character is facing when you complete the UI wizard is the direction your vendor will be facing when it spawns.

If you want the vendors to respawn after a server reboot you now need to persist each spawner to your database by using this command:

/object persist <OID>

Replace with the value of each SPAWNER not the vendor for each.

o The Mega-Pet Macro

Once a beast has been hatched from it’s egg you cannot manipulate it’s stats. So in order to create a mega-pet you need to run these commands directly on the egg prior to hatching it.

The first thing you need is the Object ID from the beast egg you want to alter and that will then be substituted for in the commands. Given the character limit on macros you need to split this across two of them. The name of he first doesn’t matter but the name of the second must match whatever you put in the final command of the first macro.

I tend to use Mega-Pet_1 and Mega-Pet_2 as the macro names. The quick way to do this is to have the macros in a text editor and then use find & replace to swap to the object ID of your beast egg. From there just copy the commands from the text editor into your macros in-game.


/objvar set beast.aggression 10;

/objvar set beast.armor_increase 10000;

/objvar set beast.beastialResilience 10;

/objvar set beast.cunning 10;

/objvar set beast.huntersInstinct 10;

/objvar set beast.intelligence 10;

/objvar set beast.survival 10;

/objvar set beast.dps_increase 10000;

/objvar set beast.health_increase 5000;

/objvar set beast.hit_chance_increase 10000;

/macro Mega-Pet_2


/objvar set beast.dodge_increase 10000;

/objvar set beast.parry_increase 10000;

/objvar set beast.glancing_blow_increase 10000;

/objvar set beast.block_chance_increase 10000;

/objvar set beast.block_value_increase 10000;

/objvar set 3657224304 beast.evasion_increase 10000;

/objvar set beast.evasion_rating_increase 10000;

/objvar set beast.strikethrough_increase 10000;

/objvar set beast.strikethrough_rating_increase 10000

You can play around with the “10000” values in each of those commands to scale up or down just how mega your mega-pet will be.

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