StellaBellum Random Commands and Other Notes - SWG-Source/swg-main GitHub Wiki

Small blurb about command syntax: /command

/command <argument you must specify> <>

/command [optional argument you may not need to specify] []

/command -parameter means you need to actually type -whatever -parameter

/command [TARGET] simply means it must be your current target. [TARGET]

/command <argument | argument2> means there is more than one option. Pick 1. | ARGUMENT |

Enabling God Mode (Admin)

Note: Your localOptions.cfg file must have "adminGodToAll=1" in the [GameServer] section. Alternatively, if you would only like certain users to have access to the God Mode abilities, you can set "adminGodToAll=0" in localOptions and instead you will need to edit the "us_admin" .tab file with the account username you'd like to have. If you wanna build your own File and add it to the Configs you will need todo this under Login, Connection and Gameserver Configparts.




If you wanna use ingame Commands you need to set the skill to admin. If you have problems using skill-level 50 commands try a adminlevel of 55.

Once you have either globally enabled login or have enabled it for your account, login to the game and type:

# Turns on God Mode
/setGodMode 50
# If you have adminGodToAll Enabled, do this instead.
/setGodMode off
# Disables the features of God Mode

Making Admin Commands Work In Your Client

You need to edit your user.cfg file and add the following: (Note: You only need what's under [ClientGame], the UserInterface modifications just make everything so much easier.

0fd345d9 = true

0fd345d9 enables the admin commands in your client. Without it your client will not send the commands to the server and will return the "no such command" error.

debugExamine allows you to /examine an object and get the ObjectID, and various other information like it's template.

debugClipboardExamine makes the debug info you get from /examine get placed on your clipboard so you can paste it with Ctrl+v

allowTargetAnything enables the ability to target objects like entire structures or objects you normally cannot to fix issues.

drawNetworkIds puts the ObjectID and NetworkID above every objects name.

Basic God Mode Commands - Teleportation

/planetWarp <planet>
# Teleports you to the specified planet/terrain.
/planetWarpTarget <planet>
# Teleports your target to the specified planet/terrain.
/teleport <x> <z> <y>
# Teleports you to the specified coordinates on the current terrain.
/teleportTo <player>
# Teleports you to the specified player anywhere in the galaxy. 
/teleportTarget <x> <z> <y>
# Teleports your target to the specified coordinates on the current terrain.
# Teleports your character to the opening medical bay instance (don't do with invulnerable on)
# Teleports your character to the opening millenium falcon instance.
# Teleports your character to Station Gamma.
# Teleports your character to Tansarii Station.
/object moveToMe <obj_id>
# Teleports (or moves) the object with obj_id to your current location (works on players if you know their obj_id)

Basic God Mode Commands - Managing Your Character

# Toggles Invulnerability - Makes your character invulnerable (removes health/action) and you appear as a NPC.
# Toggles aiIgnore - Artificial Intelligence ignore you (no aggro).
/setSpeed <speed>
# Changes the speed by which your character negotiates terrain. Recommended that you don't go higher than 5.
/getPlayerId <name>
# Returns the object ID (oid) of your character. This will be used frequently.
/object hide <oid> <bool>
# Hides your character from non God Mode characters. Set bool to 0 for visible and 1 for hidden. Make a macro for 0 and 1. It's easier. 

Basic God Mode Commands - Managing Other Characters

/getAccountInfo <player FIRST name>
# Returns various account information about the specified character including their IP Address. They must be online.
/getStationName <player FIRST name>
# Returns the username of the specified player character. Does not work if player is offline.
/getPlayerId <player FIRST name>
# Returns the object ID (oid) of the specified player character. Does not work if player is offline.
/server getCharacterInfo <oid or player FIRST name>
# Returns Station ID, and Object ID of a character, even when they are offline. Along with other info.
/freezePlayer <player FIRST name>
# Freezes the player preventing them from moving. It's like being rooted.
/unfreezePlayer <player FIRST name>
# Reverses the effects of /freezePlayer
/squelch [TARGET]
# Prevents your target from talking, using mail, spatial, or tells. Must be your TARGET (don't type TARGET)
/unsquelch [TARGET]
# Reverses the effects of /squelch
/csDisconnectPlayer <player>
# Disconnects the specified player.
/kick <player FIRST name>
# Kicks the specified player from the server and returns them to the character screen.
/findPlayer <player name or partial name with *>
# Searches the galaxy for any players with matching names.
# Displays an SUI window in which you can search and manage cities across the galaxy.
# Spams your chat box with information on all active guilds of the galaxy.
/credits [-target] <cash | bank> <+|- value>
# Gives you (or optionally your target) the specified (or subtracts the specified) amount of credits from/to the bank or cash.

Attach QATool:

/script attach test.qatool <your network id>

To see what QAtool can do:


Reload Script (after removing the .class file on the Server and throwing in a new one for example)

 /script.reload terminal.terminal_character_builder

Server Shutdown

/server shutdown 1 1 1 1


/setgodmode 50 
/getPlayerId <player first name only> 
/script attach test.qatool <id>


Current (2/20/2019)

Configuration Settings

Restuss can be configured in the localOptions.cfg file under the "[EventTeam]" section.

restussEvent - This automatically turns the Restuss Event ON ("true" will start on server startup and will progress if restussProgressionOn is set) or to OFF ("false" will keep the event from starting).

restussPhase - You can configure Restuss to start in any of the following stages by setting the restussPhase config variable to the number corresponding to the following stages (0, 1, 2):

  • 0 - This is the original starting stage. This stage will give you an empty & intact city without any NPC's in it. It's essentially the "pre-battle" stage.
  • 1 - This stage will start with the stage where the city is ready to be attacked. However, the battle will NOT start unless you also set restussProgressionOn to "true" (default is "false").
  • 2 - This stage is the final stage of Restuss where the city is destroyed and the zone is marked as a PvP zone. Additionally, all quest related items (sensor array, towers, Emperor's Hand) will be spawned. restussProgressionOn has no affect if you start in this stage.

restussProgressionOn - will start the event progression if set to "true", otherwise, there will not be any progression through the Restuss Event. It's recommended if you wish to set restussPhase to 1 that restussProgressionOn should also be set to "true".

Manual Starting of the Event

Restuss can also still be started manually. In this case, it the configuration variables will be ignored and the event will run as it always had. To start the event, simply go to the center of Restuss, turn on God Mode and stand close to the ph1_restuss_master object and say, start restuss event in spatial (the area around your character) chat. If you've done it correctly, you will see new spawn eggs spawn and you can go to each base and see them progress as well.

Original (now defunct) Method

Note: These instructions will be left here in the case you have not updated your code since 2/20/2019. At that time, Restuss operation was re-vamped to make it easier for administrators to configure and run the event. Those instructions are above.

  • Find all the objects in the Imperial and Rebel base with ph1 attached to them, and run completeRestussStageOne on each (4830 80 5829 and 5900 81 5638 for the bases)

  • Go to the center of Restuss and find the ph1 marker, and execute startRestussStageTwo

  • After Restuss is fully spawned, create an object 400m away from /waypoint 5192.928223 77.937180 6074.740234 and use any random item to attach a script.

    /script attach theme_park.restuss_event.pvp_region

  • Make sure to also use the GM command /hide "objectID" 1to make the object non visible to player eg /object hide 8762345533 1

Spawning From Master Items table

/createStaticItem <id> 
/createStaticItem armor_stormtrooper_bicep_camo_l_04_01 
/object spawn object/tangible/terminal/terminal_character_builder.iff 
/object spawn heroic_echo_stormcommando 

Beast Master

Incubator - /object spawn object/tangible/crafting/station/incubator_station.iff
Isomerase- /object spawn object/tangible/loot/beast/enzyme_1.iff 
Lyase- /object spawn object/tangible/loot/beast/enzyme_2.iff 
Hydrolase- /object spawn object/tangible/loot/beast/enzyme_3.iff 
Pet Likes/dislikes showHappiness 


Set objvar = /objvar set

Server Wide Spawn Limit

Since SWG was designed to run on a large cluster of old weak hardware, it has a low serverwide spawn limit of 1200. When running on a single piece of powerful hardware, whether running all zones or not, you will likely want to bump this limit up to something more playable, but something that your hardware can handle. You may specify the limit server wide, or for specific planets and cities, or even specific servers.

#spawn limit override
#note - serverSpawnLimit configs must remain in commonLiveOptions per dev
#spawn limit override for GCW invasion cities




Format: /qatool <command>
buff -- provides a list of in game buffs that can be applied to the tester (also /qatool buff <buffString>)
collectionclickbypass -- Sets scriptvar to allow 1 second clicks on collection items
damage <mobTarget or playerTarget> - Allows the tester to damage the health of a target without entering combat with the mobile or player.
fish [n] -- Succesfully catches a fish. Optional parameter [n] = 1-100. Location is the current planet but does not test for valid fishing location.
frog -- Allows the tester to spawn character builder terminals directly into the tester inventory.
npcFinder (or findNPC) - Allows the tester to look for specific mobs within the server boundaries of their current position.
qa_cube -- Allows testers to obtain components needed to create items using the Chu-Gon Dar Cube.
qabadge -- Assigns and revokes badges
qacybernetic -- Allows testers to install/uninstall/repair cybernetics without the need to find the correct NPC.
qadatapad - Allows the tester to manipulate datapad data
qadna -- Creates valid DNA samples for testers.
qafaction -- Faction manipulation functions 
qainv -- Inventory manipulation functions
qaitem - Allows the tester to attain armor and weapons. Also known as the Master Item Tool.
qange -- Allows the tester to receive a respec token.
qaprofession -- Tester can use this tool to research stats, roadmap and other data. A report can be created based off of the tool data.
qaquest -- QA version of a quest tool. Should provide tester with a list of current quests that are yet to be completed. Allows tester to complete ground and space quests.
qaresource -- Allows the tester to spawn different types of resources 
qarewardresource -- Allows testers to quickly access the Resource Reward Deed interface. From there, testers can spawn resources needed for crafting.
qascript - Allows the tester to attach or detach common QA scripts without memorizing the script string
qatcg or tcg - Brings up a menu of options for the SWG Trading Card Game
qaweapon -- Allows testers to spawn weapons that have a set damage amount instead of a damage range. This is useful in testing various special abilities and armor mitigation.
qawearables -- spawns clothing into your inventory
qaxp - Experience tool. Allows tester to attain expereince based on current profession.
spacetool -- Allows the tester to use tools specific to Space. Also known as the JTL Tool.
vetreward -- Allows tester to spawn veteran rewards rapidly.
weather -- Allows testers to change weather locally, on their client to test effects of the environment when weather is used.
* (command driven tool) aifreeze <mobTarget> - Allows the tester to stop a mobile so it doesn't move even if damaged by combat. The mobile will not attempt to fight back.
* (command driven tool) aistop <mobTarget> - Allows the tester to stop a mobile so it doesn't walk around or wander off. Once attacked, the mobile will defend itself.
* (command driven tool) clearHeroicTimer -- Removes all heroic lockout timers from the character
* (command driven tool) eggspawn - Forces a Yellow Spawner Egg (crown) to spawn its mobile(s) immediately. Mobile selected is random.
* (command driven tool) entertaineritems - Spawns all entertainer instraments into tester inventory.
* (command driven tool) enzyme -- Creates an Enzyme with preset values the mutagen score and the purity score (for example /qatool enzyme 10 15).
* (command driven tool) glow - Issues the test character a blue glowie ability Icon regardless of profession. Allows for testing Blue Glow character model.
* (command driven tool) gmr - Restores health on test character (self only).
* (command driven tool) groundmoblevel <level number> -- Allows the tester to search the creature table by creature level
* (command driven tool) groundmobplanet <null | planet> -- Allows the tester to search the creature table by p

/server Commands

	kill                 1  <1: local 2: planet 3: cluster  Shutdown the server planet or cluster immediately.
	shutdown                 3  <secs to wait> <secs max> <system message to broadcast>  Shutdown the cluster gracefully.  System message will be broadcast to players each minute until <secs to wait> has passed then all players will be disconnected and the database will perform a final save and shutdown.  If <secs max> time passes cluster will shutdown without waiting any more.
	abortShutdown            0    abortShutdown
	error                    1  <error message>                   Display an error message.
	getPlanetId              0  [planet]                          Get the current obj_id of the planet for this server (or for the specified planet).
	memUsage                 0                                    Query memory usage statistics.
	memoryReport             0                                    Dump memory manager (call MemoryManager::report()).
	dumpMemToFile            2  <fileName> <leaksOnly>            Dump memory report to file on server can be called to dump all allocations or only known leaks.
	clock                    0                                    Query clock statistics.
	releaseAuth              1  <oid>                             Release Authority for object with oid.
	showObjectSpheres        0                                    dump the server object sphere tree
	showTriggerSpheres       0                                    dump the server trigger sphere tree
	snapAllObjectsToTerrain  0                                    Snap all objects to the terrain
	getSceneId               0                                    Get the name of the scene we are running in
	setGodMode               1  <1 or 0>                          Set the client as god or not.
	reloadCommandTable       0                                    Reload the command table.
	reloadAdminTable         0                                    Reload the admin permissions table.
	reloadTable              1  <tableName>                       Reload a given datatable.
	dataTableGetString       3  <table> <col> <row>               GetString from table.
	reloadTerrain            0                                    Reload the terrain
	listRegions              0  [planet]                          Lists the regions for a planet
	messageCount             0                                    Enumerate messages by name and count
	setPublic                1 0 | 1 Set the cluster public or non-public. The cluster is closed (private) if the first parameter is 0
	profiler                 1 <up|down|toggle|expand|collapse|enable|disable|enableOutput|disableOutput|showAll|showNormal|displayMinimum <percent>> <processId or 0 for all> modify profiler state
	setFrameRateLimit        1 <float>                            Set the maximum framerate the server will run at
	setDebugFlag             3 <section> <name> <0 | 1>           Toggle a debugFlag on the server
	validateWorld            0                                    Run a sanity check on the world
	setUniverseProcess       1 <int>                              Change universe authority to that process id                 
	getRegionsAt             2 <x> <z>                            List the regions at the given point
	enableNewJedi            1 <true | false>                     Enable/disable tracking of players to see if they can become Jedi
	setMessageToTimeLimit    1 <time limit in ms>                 Sets the time limit we will process messageTos in a frame. <= 0 means process all messages
	setMessageToBacklogThreshold 1 <time limit in ms>             Sets the time limit to print backlogged messages <= 0 means never print messages
	startSave                0                                    Begin saving data to the database if a save is not already in progress
	enablePlayerSanityChecker1 <true | false>                     Enable/disable checking players for authority problems (cluster-wide)
	getNameList              0                                    Print the list of all player names on this cluster.
	getCharacterInfo         1 <oid | name>                       Get info for the specified character even if the character is not currently online (can specify either the character's oid or name)
	reloadForms              0                                    Reload the server's GodClient Form data
	setAiCombatPulseQueueNumber 1<number>                         Set the number of AI pulses per frame
	setAiCombatPulseQueueMaxWaitTimeMs 1<number>                  Set the max time that an AI has to wait for an AI pulse
	reloadQuests             0                                    Reload SERVER quest data
	saveBuildoutArea         6 <server_table> <client_table> <x1> <z1> <x2> <z2> Save out an area for buildout datatables
	clientSaveBuildoutArea   6 <scene> <area_name> <x1> <z1> <x2> <z2> Create area buildout datatables and send to requesting client (for use by god client)
	destroyPersistedBuildoutAreaDuplicates 0                      Destroy persisted objects which are duplicates of loaded buildout area objects
	editBuildoutArea         1 <area_name>                        Make all objects for a buildout area not be client cached (for use by god client)
	setQuestDebugging        1 <1 or 0>                           Set the quest system to output debug info or not
	restartServer            1 <server process id> | <planet> <server number> | <planet> <x> <z> Restart a game server specified by server id planet and number or by geographic location.
	restartPlanet            1 <planet>                           Restart the planet server and all game servers for the specified planet.
	dumpCreatures            1 <filename>                         Get a list of all creatures on the current game server (with tab delimited info about each creature).
	getNumberOfMoveObjectLists 0                                  Get the number of move object lists
	setNumberOfMoveObjectLists 1 <number>                         Set the number of move object lists
	getSystemClockTimeFromAllGameServers 0                        Ask every game server to report the system clock time of the box it is running on which is useful to detect out of sync system clock
	getPlanetaryTimeFromAllGameServers 0                          Ask every game server to report its planetary time
	requestSameServer        2 <oid1> <oid2>                      Send a request to the planet server to ask for either oid1 or oid2 to be moved if possible to the same game server. Either or neither may be moved.
	displayTerrain           1 <range in meters>                  Display the generated/ungenerated status of terrain chunks around the current location
	generateTerrain          1 <range in meters>                  Generate terrain chunks (if the terrain chunks are not currently generated) around the current location
	purgeTerrain             0                                    Purge all generated terrain chunks (***FOR DEBUGGING ONLY***)
	listConnectedCharacters  0                                    List all characters currently connected to the cluster.
	listConnectedCharacterData 1 <oid>                            List the character data for a connected character.
	listTravelPoints         0 [<planet name> <x> <y> <z>]        List all the travel points on the current or specified planet sorted by the distance from the current or specified location
	listCharacterLastLoginTimeBrief 1 <within the past nnn number of days> List the count of all characters on this cluster who last logged in within the specified number of days
	listCharacterLastLoginTimeAfterBrief 6 <yyyy> <mm> <dd> <h> <m> <s> List the count of all characters on this cluster who last logged in after the specified date/time
	listCharacterLastLoginTimeBeforeBrief 6 <yyyy> <mm> <dd> <h> <m> <s> List the count of all characters on this cluster who last logged in before the specified date/time
	listCharacterLastLoginTimeBetweenBrief 12 <yyyy> <mm> <dd> <h> <m> <s> <yyyy> <mm> <dd> <h> <m> <s> List the count of all characters on this cluster who last logged in between the specified date/time
	listCharacterLastLoginTimeDetailed 1 <within the past nnn number of days> List the characters on this cluster who last logged in within the specified number of days (this could be a long list and cause you to get disconnected because too much information is sent to your client)
	listCharacterLastLoginTimeAfterDetailed 6 <yyyy> <mm> <dd> <h> <m> <s> List the characters on this cluster who last logged in after the specified date/time (this could be a long list and cause you to get disconnected because too much information is sent to your client)
	listCharacterLastLoginTimeBeforeDetailed 6 <yyyy> <mm> <dd> <h> <m> <s> List the characters on this cluster who last logged in before the specified date/time (this could be a long list and cause you to get disconnected because too much information is sent to your client)
	listCharacterLastLoginTimeBetweenDetailed 12 <yyyy> <mm> <dd> <h> <m> <s> <yyyy> <mm> <dd> <h> <m> <s> List the characters on this cluster who last logged in between the specified date/time (this could be a long list and cause you to get disconnected because too much information is sent to your client)
	sendMailToCharacterLastLoginTime 4 <within the past nnn number of days> <from name> <mail subject> <mail body paragraph> ... <mail body paragraph> Sends mail to characters on this cluster who last logged in within the specified number of days
	sendMailToCharacterLastLoginTimeAfter 9 <yyyy> <mm> <dd> <h> <m> <s> <from name> <mail subject> <mail body paragraph> ... <mail body paragraph> Sends mail to characters on this cluster who last logged in after the specified date/time
	sendMailToCharacterLastLoginTimeBefore 9 <yyyy> <mm> <dd> <h> <m> <s> <from name> <mail subject> <mail body paragraph> ... <mail body paragraph> Sends mail to characters on this cluster who last logged in before the specified date/time
	sendMailToCharacterLastLoginTimeBetween 15 <yyyy> <mm> <dd> <h> <m> <s> <yyyy> <mm> <dd> <h> <m> <s> <from name> <mail subject> <mail body paragraph> ... <mail body paragraph> Sends mail to characters on this cluster who last logged in between the specified date/time
	listCharacterCreateTimeBrief 1 <within the past nnn number of days> List the count of all characters on this cluster created within the specified number of days
	listCharacterCreateTimeAfterBrief 6 <yyyy> <mm> <dd> <h> <m> <s> List the count of all characters on this cluster created after the specified date/time
	listCharacterCreateTimeBeforeBrief 6 <yyyy> <mm> <dd> <h> <m> <s> List the count of all characters on this cluster created before the specified date/time
	listCharacterCreateTimeBetweenBrief 12 <yyyy> <mm> <dd> <h> <m> <s> <yyyy> <mm> <dd> <h> <m> <s> List the count of all characters on this cluster created between the specified date/time
	listCharacterCreateTimeDetailed 1 <within the past nnn number of days> List the characters on this cluster created within the specified number of days (this could be a long list and cause you to get disconnected because too much information is sent to your client)
	listCharacterCreateTimeAfterDetailed 6 <yyyy> <mm> <dd> <h> <m> <s> List the characters on this cluster created after the specified date/time (this could be a long list and cause you to get disconnected because too much information is sent to your client)
	listCharacterCreateTimeBeforeDetailed 6 <yyyy> <mm> <dd> <h> <m> <s> List the characters on this cluster created before the specified date/time (this could be a long list and cause you to get disconnected because too much information is sent to your client)
	listCharacterCreateTimeBetweenDetailed 12 <yyyy> <mm> <dd> <h> <m> <s> <yyyy> <mm> <dd> <h> <m> <s> List the characters on this cluster created between the specified date/time (this could be a long list and cause you to get disconnected because too much information is sent to your client)
	sendMailToCharacterCreateTime 4 <within the past nnn number of days> <from name> <mail subject> <mail body paragraph> ... <mail body paragraph> Sends mail to characters on this cluster created within the specified number of days
	sendMailToCharacterCreateTimeAfter 9 <yyyy> <mm> <dd> <h> <m> <s> <from name> <mail subject> <mail body paragraph> ... <mail body paragraph> Sends mail to characters on this cluster created after the specified date/time
	sendMailToCharacterCreateTimeBefore 9 <yyyy> <mm> <dd> <h> <m> <s> <from name> <mail subject> <mail body paragraph> ... <mail body paragraph> Sends mail to characters on this cluster created before the specified date/time
	sendMailToCharacterCreateTimeBetween 15 <yyyy> <mm> <dd> <h> <m> <s> <yyyy> <mm> <dd> <h> <m> <s> <from name> <mail subject> <mail body paragraph> ... <mail body paragraph> Sends mail to characters on this cluster created between the specified date/time
	freeCtsTest 5 <character create time> <source station id> <source cluster> <target station id> <target cluster> Tests to see if a CTS transaction would be free
	isFreeCtsSourceCluster 1 <source cluster>                     Checks to see if the specified cluster is a free CTS source cluster
	freeCtsInfo 0                                                 Display information about what CTS transactions are free


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️