StellaBellum NGE Server Administration Guide - SWG-Source/swg-main GitHub Wiki

SWG-Stella administration guide.pdf

Stella administration guide Last edited by swgnoobs a year ago

Stellabellum Administration Guide for StarWars Galaxies NGE Server Index  Getting Started o Architecture o Services  Installation o GameServer o DatabaseServer o AuthenticationSystem o [Optional]  Authentication o Enabling Authentication o Banning Accounts o Suspending Accounts o Admintables  MVC-Framework o Register an Account o Change Userrole to Admin or GM o Usermanagement o Banning Accounts o Suspending Accounts o Getting Items/Objects related to Characters of Account X o Getting Loginformations o Automatic Ban System on Exploitwarnings or Overfloods o Caches o osTicket Ticketing System  LoginServer o Configuration Parameters  GameServer o Configuration Parameters  ConnectionServer o Configuration Parameters  CentralServer o Configuration Parameters  PlanetServer o Configuration Parameters Getting Started If you come here, you most likely used a SOE-SWG Source Server in the past, if you have been working with other Linux-Releases you will find yourself in a familiar environment. There are some differences tough that you encounter with the stellab Version.  64bit Linux using 32bit Binarys  Builded in JSON-WebAPI-Librarys  Easy Installation and Update Process o Using Distro-Builtin Tools and prebuilded Binarys  MVC-Webframework for Auth, Player/ServerStatistics and GM-Handling o Optional Modul for Ticketing/Bugreports per osTicket o Optional Modul for Forum phpbb  Architecture Services Installation-Prerequisites Gameserver  Hardware Recommendations o 2x Quadcore Xeon CPU o 32GB RAM o 1Gbit dedicated Internet Line o 120GB SSD for Serverbinarys o 500GB HDD for Logs  Prerequisites o Debian 8 64bit Linux o SSH-Access o sudo installed o Internet Access Setup StellaBellum Repo To setup the SWG Server we need to get the files first, those are hosted on bitbucket: wget https: After this we are ready to prepare the DatabaseServer. DatabaseServer  Hardware Recommendations o Dedicated Dualcore CPU o 8GB RAM o 1GBit Dedicated Line with GameServer o 500GB HDD Space  Prerequisites o Debian 8 64bit Linux o Downloaded OracleDB 11g R2 x86_64 o and from Oracle AuthenticationSystem Optional CentralServer Configuration Parameters clusterName=devcluster Name of Cluster to use from Table Cluster_List, this will set the IP/Interface to use. newbieTutorialEnabled=1 Needed to startup the Tutorial/TansariStation for new Players startPlanet=tutorial Needed to startup the Tutorial/TansariStation for new Players startPlanet=tatooine startPlanet=naboo startPlanet=corellia startPlanet=rori startPlanet=talus startPlanet=yavin4 startPlanet=endor startPlanet=lok startPlanet=dantooine startPlanet=dathomir These are used to startup the groundparts of the named planets. startPlanet=dungeon1 Star-Destroyer Instance, Corellian Corvette, Tansarii Station, Gamma Station, IG-88, Axkva Min, Exar Kun, Nova Orion Station, Meatlump bunker startPlanet=adventure1 Tusken King Heroic startPlanet=space_corellia startPlanet=space_naboo startPlanet=space_tatooine startPlanet=space_lok startPlanet=space_dantooine startPlanet=space_dathomir startPlanet=space_yavin4 startPlanet=space_endor Space Zones of the named Planets startPlanet=space_heavy1 startPlanet=space_light1 startPlanet=kashyyyk_main startPlanet=kashyyyk_pob_dungeons startPlanet=kashyyyk_south_dungeons startPlanet=kashyyyk_north_dungeons startPlanet=kashyyyk_rryatt_trail startPlanet=kashyyyk_hunting startPlanet=kashyyyk_dead_forest Kashyyyk Ground Zones and Instances startPlanet=space_kashyyyk Kashyyyk Space startPlanet=space_npe_falcon startPlanet=space_npe_falcon_2 startPlanet=space_npe_falcon_3 Tutorial Zones before Tansarii startPlanet=space_ord_mantell startPlanet=mustafar startPlanet=space_nova_orion startPlanet=adventure2 ⚠ startPublic=true Whether the Cluster should be started up Public or not, if this is set to false(recommended in a Production Environment) only valid IP-Ranges from the admintab can connect to your Cluster. You then need to have an adminaccount on the list that is allowed to use the /server setpublic 1/0 command. PlanetServer Configuration Parameters ⚠ loadWholePlanet=1 This setting will enable to load up a whole planet on a single Gameserver Process. Can not be used with loadWholePlanetMultiserver=1 ⚠ loadWholePlanetMultiserver=1 This will enable multiple Gameservers per Planet, you need to set a preloadlist to use with this, if you installed from the Repo you should have two default files with it. preload_heavy.iff and preload_light.iff will create a different amount of Processes depending on the load. ⚠ 🏗 numTutorialServers=1 The Amount of TutorialServers that should be started, the player Limit per Server is ??? (25?)