StellaBellum Allowing External Game Server Access - SWG-Source/swg-main GitHub Wiki

Allowing Outside Access

Game Server Settings

For a VM, change network settings from NAT to bridged. Edit /etc/hosts and change the IP for the machine hostname to your public IP (

SWG Config

Edit default.cfg in nge-swg-master/exe/linux and set node0 to your public IP address

Ubuntu: Disable Firewall

(or just add rules to open the SWG ports)

sudo ufw disable

SWG Database Modification

Open SQL Developer and go to the cluster_list table and change the address to your public IP

DMZ or Port Forwarding

Go into your router configuration area and find the DMZ setting. Enable it and point it at the LAN address of the SWG server - you may also be able to simply forward the SWG ports to the game server instead, which would be more secure.