Server Lifetime Management - SWG-Source/swg-main GitHub Wiki

SWG-Server lifetime management.pdf

Server lifetime management Last edited by devcodex 9 months ago This information is useful for managing starting/stopping clusters from the command line. It is particularly useful when running a cluster across multiple physical machines as all of the TaskManager processes can get in-sync before starting up the cluster. First, make sure autoStart is set to 0 under the TaskManager heading: [TaskManager] autoStart=0 Then, after starting the TaskManager process as normal it will wait for commands before starting up fully. To manage the cluster simply type in one of the following commands and hit enter. ##Commands start Starts the cluster. stop Stops the cluster. exit Kills the cluster if it is running, then terminates the TaskManager process. public Sets the ConnectionServer to public private Sets the ConnectionServer to private Running ConnectionServer on a separate machine This is useful when you want to run the galaxy behind a closed network, with all of its bits communicating over the local network, while still allowing to run a connection server on a separate machine where it can be publicly accessed. It is necessary to do this because by default, each node uses the IP its hostname resolves to as the address it tells all other remotes to communicate on. First, set up 2 machines with server instances and default configurations. The primary server, node0, is the game cluster server and node1 is just running the ConnectionServer (and the TaskManager process that spawns it). Now, make the following configuration changes to each server's configurations: node0 default.cfg [TaskManager] autoStart=0 [CentralServer] startConnectionServer=node1:<NODE1_REMOTE_IP>:44463:44464 chatServiceBindInterface=eth0 connectionServiceBindInterface=eth0 commodityServerServiceBindInterface=eth0 customerServiceBindInterface=eth0 gameServiceBindInterface=eth0 planetServiceBindInterface=eth0 [ConnectionServer] gameServiceBindInterface=eth0 chatServiceBindInterface=eth0 customerServiceBindInterface=eth0 pingPort=44462 nodes.cfg [TaskManager] node0=<NODE0_INTERNAL_IP> node1=<NODE1_INTERNAL_IP> node1 nodes.cfg [TaskManager] node0=<NODE0_INTERNAL_IP> node1=<NODE1_REMOTE_IP>