Object Attributes and Variables - SWG-Source/swg-main GitHub Wiki

A WIP page with a collection of notes on object variables and various object attributes

No Trade

  • An item is flagged as "No Trade" if it has the object variable noTrade. Most objects that are inherently intended to be non-tradable have this object variable set via the sys.server .tpf file for the object, but it can be set directly or in other generative scripts.
  • An item is "No Trade Shared" if its static item name is listed in the no trade shared datatable at datatables/no_trade/no_trade_shared.tab. An item that is a No Trade Shared is No Trade but it can be shared by all characters on the account.
  • An item is "No Trade Removable" if its static item name is listed in the no trade removable datatable at datatables/no_trade/no_trade_removable.tab. An item that is No Trade Removable means the item is no trade, but the player can radial the object and remove the no trade flag all together.
  • Note: Items that are No Trade Shared/Removable will have noTrade applied when the item is created, regardless of if the base noTrade ObjVar is applied in the template.