Master List of Deviations from Live Vanilla SWG - SWG-Source/swg-main GitHub Wiki

The development goal of SWG Source is to completely restore the Star Wars Galaxies source code to the EOL (end of life) of the game, as of December 15, 2011. In order to implement certain features under the constraints or variability imposed by our open-source non-profit project, to provide the best user experience possible, and to make content, items, or features, available that would otherwise be inaccessible (e.g. veteran or timed-login-based content) certain changes have been made that are not in alignment with the "original" versioning of the game. If you are looking for the original, unaltered source code as it was obtained in 2015, please see the whitengold repository.

The following list reflects any deviations the SWG Source team has made from the live SWG experience offered by Sony Online Entertainment along with an explanation/reasoning for making the change if the change was related to items, content, systems, tools, or development-collective. This list does not contain changes that were made merely to improve upon existing mechanics as a means of implementing best practices or more efficient code if such a change did not substantively impact the player or developer feature implementation.

Item Accessibility Changes

  • Empire Strikes Back 30th Anniversary Celebration - These reward items were attainable by logging in consecutively for 4 weeks during the celebration event. To attain these items now, all players will receive the rewards on login if you set the grantEsbAnniversaryRewards option in localOptions.cfg to true under the [Custom] setting.
  • Email Collection System Rewards - These reward items were attainable by subscribing to the SOE mailing list. Because you can't do that anymore, they can be given to all players on login if you set the grantMailOptInRewards option in localOptions.cfg to true under the [Custom] setting.
  • Favor of the Elders ("Elder Buff") - This buff was only attainable by players who were active both before and after the implementation of the New Game Enhancements (Publish 25). The skill to use this buff can be granted to all players on login by setting the grantElderBuff option in localOptions.cfg to true under the [Custom] setting.

Game Features and System Changes

  • Scheduled Drop System - The scheduled drop system (see library.scheduled_drop) was used by SOE to add a chance for Trading Card Game loot cards to drop while players were performing normal in-game activities (crafting, buffing, killing mobs, etc.). The drops followed a timed system set by cluster and by date range (see datatables/scheduled_drop/*). Because this system was based on timed mechanics that ended in 2009, and the checks for drops were running continuously, changes were made to disable the system entirely. Please see the comments in the library file for more information on how to re-implement and configure this system if you'd like to use it for your own purposes.