Leaderboard System Documentation DRAFT - SWG-Source/swg-main GitHub Wiki

Custom Implementations of the Leaderboard

Leaderboard Datatable

Type Flags

The type flags are set in the leaderboard datatable and used to indicate the type of tracking the leaderboard completes.

  • IS_PLAYER_BOARD – If the board tracks players
  • IS_ENTITY_BOARD – If the board tracks cities and guilds
  • IS_GCW_BOARD – If the board tracks factions

For example, these options can be combined so the overall leaderboard options appear like:

Tracking Players and Entities:

  • Leaderboard Name – Players
  • Leaderboard Name – Guilds
  • Leaderboard Name – Cities

Tracking Faction Only:

  • Leaderboard Name – Imperial
  • Leaderboard Name – Rebel

Tracking Player, Entity, and GCW Board:

  • Leaderboard Name – Players – Rebel
  • Leaderboard Name – Players – Imperial
  • Leaderboard Name – Cities – Rebel
  • Leaderboard Name – Cities – Imperial
  • Leaderboard Name – Guilds – Rebel
  • Leaderboard Name – Guilds – Imperial

Score Mode

  • CLUSTER Score is tabulated and displayed as a percentage score compared to the entire cluster.
  • SCALED Score is tabulated and displayed as a percentage score compared to the other players who rank (e.g. if 25 players rank, then the top 25 make up 100% of the score relative to each other). This is the default way SOE tabulated the GCW Leaderboard.
  • AVERAGE Score is tabulated based on an average of performance over the period relative to the respective aggregates of other players in lieu of just considering the total points earned.
  • BESTOF Score is tabulated based on a rank of the highest to lowest of a data point. This is how the Fishing Leaderboard is tabulated, based on the length of the fishes caught.
  • LIFETIME Score is tabulated based on a total overall lifetime (meaning the current board reflects the lifetime since the board began calculating scores). Previous periods will display the "lifetime as of the period ending" but the current board will always reflect the overall lifetime.