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Forums SWG NGE Source Server Development Mods Increase your Player's Expertise points Discussion in 'Mods' started by Erusman, Apr 19, 2017.

Subscribe to Thread Erusman Erusman Well-Known Member Joined:May 9, 2016 Messages:673 Likes Received:298 #1Erusman, Apr 19, 2017 Last edited: Apr 19, 2017 Increase your Player's Expertise points

Attached is the files need to be able to increase Player Expertise on your server. Credit goes to Broji for making this mod available.

Installation Instructions:

  1. Extract files to folder of your choice.

  2. Within the files you will see two folders. The "Compile Tab to IFF single" contains the program "DataTableTool.exe" that you will need to convert a .tab file to .iff that your server will be able to read. You can place whatever .tab file you want to convert to .iff in this folder.

  3. The folder "Increase Expertise by 45" contains two files "player_level.iff" and "". "player_level.iff" has already been modified to allow you 45 extra expertise points. So no need to convert this .tab to .iff its already done for you.

  4. I have included an admin command prompt windows registery hack. With this registery hack you can right click on a folder and it will add the context "Elevated Cmd prompt here". This is handy if you want to go into a folder with a command prompt quick. Install it by right clicking "Admin Command Prompt Here" and hit merge. This will add it perm to the registery so you will always have this ability. Probably old news for some.

  5. If you wish to increase or decrease the amount of expertise. Copy out of "increase Expertise by 45" and place it in the "Compile Tab to IFF single" folder. Download a program so you can edit the .tab file. I use Notepad ++ to edit them. Once you install notepad open "" in it and edit line 90. You will see "90 18066900 2000 46" (ill insert a pic later) Change 46 back to 1 to give you the default 45 at level 90. Change 46 to say 91 to give you 90 expertise points more at 90. etc. Once you make those changes you want. Save the .tab file.

  6. Right click "Compile Tab to IFF singe" folder and run Elevated command prompt. Enter datatabletool -i -o player_level.iff This will convert the modified .tab into an .iff file. Now lets install the mod. Place "player_level.iff" in following folders and overwrite the default on your server. /data/sku.0/sys.shared/compiled/game/datatables/player /data/sku.0/sys.client/compile/game/datatables/player

On your client. Simply make a folder in root directory of your client. "datatables/player" and place "player_level.iff in it. That way the client will see the changes as well.

  1. Start your server and login with your client to see the new changes to player expertise.

Have fun!

DO or DO NOT there is NO TRY! Erusman REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY Tekaoh likes this. Iosnowore Iosnowore Well-Known Member Joined:Sep 26, 2016 Messages:60 Likes Received:6 #2Iosnowore, Apr 19, 2017 Awesome mod and guide, thanks Erusman and Broji! SWG Vision of Hope REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY Grend Grend Well-Known Member Joined:May 28, 2016 Messages:106 Likes Received:14 #3Grend, Apr 20, 2017 nice tip for newcomers and well explained. The problem with the chat in this web is things like this mod and others are lost... this was the first things post here at the begining of all in the chat. How to get more expertise points... i remember this conversation on chat. With this new section i hope all the info are keep there. REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY Broji Broji Well-Known Member Joined:Oct 17, 2016 Messages:60 Likes Received:1 #4Broji, Apr 20, 2017 Glad to have you back Erusman! REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY Erusman Erusman Well-Known Member Joined:May 9, 2016 Messages:673 Likes Received:298 #5Erusman, Apr 20, 2017 Broji said: ↑ Glad to have you back Erusman! Hey! Glad to hear from you. Yeah I got some of my motivation back by taking a little breather. Hopefully we can get a lot done this summer. REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY Visageiii Visageiii Member Joined:Apr 5, 2017 Messages:8 Likes Received:0 #6Visageiii, May 5, 2017 how do I do this for the linux server? REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY Erusman Erusman Well-Known Member Joined:May 9, 2016 Messages:673 Likes Received:298 #7Erusman, May 5, 2017 Visageiii said: ↑ how do I do this for the linux server? Its essentially the same as win32. You just need to download WinSCP so you can connect to your VM. and be able to move files from windows to Linux. Connect to your VM with WinSCP. Enter IP and login "root" password "swg".

  1. Navigate to /home/swgserver/data/sku.0/sys.shared/compiled/game/datatables/player/ and replace player_level.iff for 45 extra just use that one already made.

  2. Navigate to /home/swgserver/data/sku.0/sys.client/compiled/game/datatables/player/ and replace the player_level.iff there.

  3. Make a folder in your NGE client /datatables/player/ and place player_level.iff in there so your client will see the changes.

  4. Start your NGE server. You will see you have a total of 45 extra at level 90. For a total of 90 instead of 45 expertise points.

  5. If you wish to mod more expertise points just follow instructions above for that. REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY Noobatthewheel Noobatthewheel Well-Known Member Joined:Apr 18, 2017 Messages:64 Likes Received:1 #8Noobatthewheel, May 6, 2017 Here is the updated iff file for 135 expertise points for those that want to DL it an install it in debain. Use the instruction Erusman has above that tell you were to install it.!Aq_L5Is0w23WgQB5N-wEp7tezo3k REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY Erusman likes this. Erusman Erusman Well-Known Member Joined:May 9, 2016 Messages:673 Likes Received:298 #9Erusman, May 6, 2017 Noobatthewheel said: ↑ Here is the updated iff file for 135 expertise points for those that want to DL it an install it in debain. Use the instruction Erusman has above that tell you were to install it.!Aq_L5Is0w23WgQB5N-wEp7tezo3k Thanks @Noobatthewheel@Noobatthewheel REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY Write your reply...

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