God mode commands and item acquisition - SWG-Source/swg-main GitHub Wiki

God Mode

The first thing you will need to do with your character after logging into your server is to configure access to the various admin mode abilities. On the v2.x virtual machine you do so using this command:


If you are still in Mos Eisley at this point then you can see visual proof that you are now in "god mode" by noticing the spawners which are invisible to standard players. There are different types of spawner denoted by their colour, you can see one of them in this screenshot:

To exit god mode and return to standard player mode, use this command: /setgod off

Object ID (OID)

The next alteration you should make to your god mode character is to attach the qatool. This first requires you to identify the object ID or OID for that character. This is easy to get in-game as it appears over the head of your character by default when using the swgsource client:

The OID for the character in that screenshot is highlighted, it's 279003491 The majority of objects in the game world will also have their OIDs above them and this becomes important when you intend to use admin commands which have to be targetted at a specific object using the OID.

The presence of OIDs can become distracting during regular gameplay and so there are two ways to removed them. The first is an in-game command and the other is a cfg file setting in your game client.

You can toggle them off using this: /shownet 0

You can restore them using this: /shownet 1

Inside your SWG client folder you have a file called user.cfg and when you open it in a text editor you will see the following:

Highlighted in red you have the option that enables network ID / Object ID to be displayed by default. Place a # in front of that line to disable them.

As a side note there are two other options highlighted in yellow, the first of those allows you to run multiple SWG clients on a single computer which is useful for logging in multiple accounts at the same time without the need for extra computers. The second option is the code that allows your client to send admin commands to the server, if that is disabled or removed then no matter what admin command you try to use, it will do nothing.

QA Tool

Now that you can identify the OID of your character you will be able to gain access to the QA Tool by using this command:

/script attach test.qatool

For example, based on a previous screenshot it would be /script attach test.qatool 279003491

You will see a message onscreen about having access to the "SWG Developer" title. To access the tool, use this command:


The usage of that tool suite will likely be a separate guide due to the complexity of options offered.

Character Builder Terminal (Blue Frog)

In addition to the qatool you now have access to the character builder terminal (blue frog) which provides options such as instantly setting character level, craft almost anything in a draft schematic immediately and master any factional pilot skill tree. You can obtain the blue frog from an option in the qatool menu: Spawn Frog Tool

The frog will now be in your inventory.

As with the qatool, the character builder terminal is likely going to require a separate guide. It is also worth knowing that you can spawn a blue frog directly into the game world by using this command:

/object spawn object/tangible/terminal/terminal_character_builder.iff

This command is useful for placing blue frogs in exterior locations e.g. outside the Mos Eisley starport.

Instant Character Level 90 (cl90)

On the blue frog you can choose your character level by using the highlighted option:

Movement Commands

These commands can be split into a couple of categories, commands that move your character or a target character and commands for the current planet or any planet.


Syntax: /teleport x y z Example: /teleport -2450 0 -5817

This command will move your character to a specified waypoint / co-ordinates on your current planet.


Syntax: /teleportTo Example: /teleportTo Nemasis

This command will teleport your character to the location of the character named in the command.


Syntax: /teleportTarget x y z Example: /teleportTarget phoenix 666 0 -666

This command will teleport the named character to the specific waypoint / co-ordinates.


Syntax: /planetwarp <planet / zone> x y z Example: /planetWarp dathomir 2500 0 3750

Teleports your character to the specified planet at the specified co-ordinates. This can also be used to teleport directly into a space zone e.g. /planetWarp space_dantooine


Syntax: /planetWarpTarget <planet / zone> x y z Example:/planetWarpTarget lok 4000 0 2000 (target a character / hover cursor over them)

This command will teleport the character you are targeting to the specified planet and co-ordinates.

You can get the internal names for the planets and space zones from the localOptions.cfg file inside your VM. It looks like this:

Item Spawning

There are multiple methods that can be used to generate objects / items. Not everything is available from the qatool or the blue frog and that is where using /object spawn comes into play. If there is something in the game that you want to obtain then it will be available from one or more of these options.

QA Tool

When you use /qatool to access the menu you have many options for generating items for your character e.g.

  • Master Item Tool
  • Pets
  • Resource Crates
  • Vet Rewards

You can use /qatool lootsearch to quickly search for items by just replacing with a text string from the name of the item you are looking for e.g. /qatool lootsearch speeder

Character Builder Terminal / Blue Frog

  • Armour Sets
  • Weapons
  • Socketed Clothing
  • Heroic Jewelry Sets
  • Structure Deeds
  • Resources
  • Buffs

Spawn Commands

Objects that your character can have / use in the game are located in the source code at this location:


Sample Commands:

  • /object spawn object/tangible/terminal/terminal_character_builder.iff
  • /object spawn object/tangible/component/weapon/lightsaber/lightsaber_module_krayt_dragon_pearl.iff
  • /object spawn object/tangible/veteran_reward/harvester_elite.iff
  • /object spawn object/tangible/deed/city_deed/cityhsll_tatooine_deed.iff
  • /object spawn object/tangible/ship/crafted/chassis/bwing_deed.iff
  • /object spawn object/tangible/droid/navicomputer_1.iff
  • /object spawn object/tangible/droid/navicomputer_2.iff
  • /object spawn object/tangible/droid/navicomputer_3.iff
  • /object spawn object/tangible/droid/navicomputer_4.iff
  • /object spawn object/tangible/droid/navicomputer_5.iff
  • /object spawn object/tangible/droid/navicomputer_6.iff
  • /object spawn object/tangible/droid/droid_space_memory_module_1.iff
  • /object spawn object/tangible/ship/crafted/chassis/xwing_customization_kit.iff
  • /object spawn object/tangible/ship/crafted/chassis/texture_kit_s01.iff
  • /object spawn object/tangible/item/beast/beast_dye.iff

Stop Your Character From Taking Damage

You can block your character from being damaged (invulnerable) by using this command:


Stop Enemies From Attacking You

You can stop anything from agro-ing your character by using this command:


You can use /aiIgnore off to return things to normal.

Make Your Character Invisible

You can "cloak" your character which shows up as a transparent avatar to you but invisible to others by using this command:

/object setCoverVisibility 0

You can then use /object setCoverVisibility 1 to become visible again.

Increase Or Decrease Object / Character Size

This command can be used to scale up or down your character, another character or object for some fun:

/object scalesize oid 1.0

The 1.0 is normal size so using 3.5 would be 350% and using 0.25 would be 25%.

Identifying The Buildout File For Where You Are Located

The galaxy in populated in the dsrc section of the source code primarily using buildout datatables (tab files). It is possible to get the game to tell you exactly what filename populates the area in which your character is located by using this command and then "saying something out loud in game":

/script attach working.jhaskell_test

If you then type showbuildoutArea in chat you will see the buildout filename on screen and in the chat window. You could then locate that file in the dsrc within the VM to work with the objects in that specific region.

Change The Colour Of Objects

Not every object in the game has an attached palette (or more) that you can alter but most do. Hover your cursor over the object you want to change the colour of and run this command:

/sethue -target

If there are attached palettes you can choose the colour to switch each of them to in the window that appears which is essentially the same as for dye kits.

Disguising Your Character And Other Characters

There is already an in-game set of about 50 costumes that you can acquire for your character but you can essentially morph your character or any other character into any appearance you can find in the game files. If you use this command you can appear as Darth Vader:

**/setPlayerAppearance object/mobile/shared_darth_vader.iff **

If you want to make someone else appear as Vader do this:

/setPlayerAppearance object/mobile/shared_darth_vader.iff -target

You can access a list of the possible appearances by using the SIE tool:

You can get the path / file name for the appearance by right-clicking the appearance in SIE as follows:

The item shown returns this text via your clipboard: object/mobile/shared_blastromech.iff

Manipulating Object Stats

This can be done by editing the files in the dsrc section of the source code but for this topic we are just going to focus on using in-game commands. The first command to use is required in order to see the hierarchy of stats / mods that a specific object has:

/objvar list

The results will be output in your chat window. When you see an entry there with "list" after it, that means the entry is part of the hierarachy / path. The entries without after them are the actual stats / skillmods displayed using their internal name. For example, if you run this command on a ship engine and then decide to increase the maximum speed then you would use this command:

/objvar set

which looks like this: /objvar set 3596989761 ship_comp.engine.speed_maximum 125.0

You will find that some objects resist changes like this due to how they are configured in the code e.g. light sabers. You can get around that limitation by using /objvar set on the crystals / pearls before putting them into the saber. This same technique can be useful for many other scenarios as well.

Spawn A Blue Frog /object spawn object/tangible/terminal/terminal_character_builder.iff

List All Resources Currently Spawned /resource tree

Generate A Beast Dye /object spawn object/tangible/item/beast/beast_dye.iff

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