Home - SWE-Drexel/swe-drexel.github.io GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the SWE-Drexel website wiki!
This Wiki is a way to document all the changes and code guides. An entire documentation at one place for easy access.
CSS guide:
Guide to all css elements and key attributes and what they do. Plugins that are needed and everything in between.
JS guide:
Guide to all javascript code. How to make updates to anything and what will break what
Guide to all plugins used and how to execute them.
Git guide:
A guide to all git tools and basics including. How to host in GitPages. How to make sure you use the right domain. How to map to old and new domains, namespace guide. How to come back to old domain if need be. Jekyll or any other gitpages tool that we can possibly use.
These have to be divided into the following category.
These changes will be documented to include all designs. Each update should include a screenshot for the new pages. The hexadecimal codes for the color scheme. And name of any new elements added and what it does.
This includes any major non-design related. This should be based more an new Code, new set of pages. (not to be confused with content) New responsive elements, buttons, forms, etc.
These are the minor updates. This will include all the updates needed to realized the
This will include all major code refactoring from better naming, to new frameworks, Projects and Code can have interchanging enteries.