Requirements - SWE-574-Spring-2018/LinkyWay GitHub Wiki

1) User shall be able to login to system.

  • 1.1) User shall be able to login to system via Twitter.

2) User shall create new nodes.

  • 2.1) User shall provide the name, desctiption and type of the node in order to create a new node.
  • 2.2) System shall check whether a node with the same name and type exists.
  • 2.3) System shall obstruct the creation of the node if another node with the same name and type exists.
  • 2.4) User shall be able to search previously created nodes.

3) User shall create new edges.

  • 3.1) User shall be able to create an edge between two different nodes.
  • 3.2) User shall determine the direction of the edge to make the edge created.
  • 3.3) User shall select Wikidata property or other while creating the edge.
    • 3.3.1) The user shall select one of the properties from Wikidata to define the edge if s/he selects Wikidata property as an edge type.
    • 3.3.2) The user shall provide free text to define the edge if s/he selects other as the edge type.

4) User shall be able to annotate nodes using Wikidata.

  • 4.1) User shall not be able to annotate node usign more than one Wikidata source.

5) User shall be able to connect nodes with tweets.

  • 5.1) User shall not be able to connect node with same tweet more than once with same Twitter user.

6) User shall be able to annotate tweets that are connected to any node.

  • 6.1) User shall be able to annotate tweets with a free text.
  • 6.2) User shall be able to annotate tweets with an image.
    • 6.2.1) User shall be able to annotate tweets with part of an image.