Effort Tracking - SWE-574-Spring-2018/LinkyWay GitHub Wiki

Week 1 (05.02.2018 - 11.02.2018)

Ahmet Can Ersöz

  • Description:
    1. Determining a template for Weekly Meeting Notes and Weekly Status Report.
    2. Creation of Wiki Pages for Weekly Meeting Notes and Weekly Status Report.
    3. Adding information to Weekly Meeting Notes for week #1.
    4. Adding information to Weekly Status Report for week #1.
    5. Research on Twitter API.
  • Category: Documentation, Research
  • Status: All tasks have been completed before their due dates.

Duran Serkan

  • Description:
    1. Creation of labels
    2. Creation of issues
    3. Assigning issues
    4. Creating Kanban Board
  • Category: Management
  • Status: All tasks have been completed before their due dates.

Hüseyin Kılıç

  • Description:
    1. Creation of a new GitHub organization and repository. Sending invitation to team members to join.
    2. Creation & customization wiki home page for the project.
    3. Creation of a new wiki page to keep track of research tasks.
    4. Research of a Wikidata project. Documentation of research results.
    5. Creation of new wiki pages for technical documentation and setup guide.
  • Category: Management, Research, Documentation.
  • Status: All tasks have been completed before their due dates.

Nedim Azgari

  • Description: ....
  • Category: ....
  • Status: ....

Salih Demir

  • Description:
    1. Project Standards page is created and titles for coding standards and issue tracking standards are added.
    2. 'Time Tracking' page is created to track duration spent on working on the project for both personal and team effort.
    3. 'Effort Tracking' page is created to track personal effort.
    4. The Markdown language is analyzed to create better-customized pages.
  • Category: Research, Documentation
  • Status: The team is targeted to initialize GitHub repository and I was assigned to create pages for time and effort tracking. All required tasks assigned to me are done.

Week 2 (12.02.2018 - 18.02.2018)

Ahmet Can Ersöz

  • Description:
    1. Adding information to Weekly Meeting Notes for week #2.
    2. Adding information to Weekly Status Report for week #2.
    3. Determining the requirements according to the scope of the project discussed. Creation of the Wiki page and adding the requirements to that page.
    4. Research on W3 Web annotations.
  • Category: Documentation, Research, Requirements
  • Status: All tasks have been completed before their due dates.

Duran Serkan

  • Description: Research on Web Annotation Data Model
  • Category: Research
  • Status: All tasks have been completed before their due dates.

Hüseyin Kılıç

  • Description:
    1. Identification and documentation of repository management policies. A new wiki page should be created.
    2. Customization of the repository settings according to the repository management policies.
    3. Creation of a draft of the high-level project plan. Documenting it on a new wiki page.
    4. Documentation of weekly lecture notes for the week-2.
    5. Updating the issue management tags to group relevant ones using prefixes.
  • Category: Management, Research, Documentation
  • Status: All tasks have been completed before their due dates. However, some of them took longer than expected.

Nedim Azgari

  • Description:
    1. Adding information to Weekly ClassNotes for week #2.
    2. Determining the first version of functional requirements and creating a wiki page for requirements.
  • Category: Management, Research, Documentation
  • Status: All tasks have been completed before their due dates.

Salih Demir

  • Description:
    1. Coding conventions are added to the target development platforms.
    2. Time tracking page was updated with more visualized tracking table.
    3. Wiki pages are refactored with more precise side bar and home page.
    4. Custom sidebar is added to display weekly content and research.
    5. Wiki repository is cloned and images in the project repository moved to the wiki repository.
    6. Titles in the 'README.md' file are updated.
  • Category: Research, Documentation, Enhancement
  • Status: The team is targeted to brainstorm the aim and features of the project and update GitHub repository according to the changing needs. I was assigned to document the project standards related to coding conventions. All required tasks assigned to me are done.

Week 3 (19.02.2018 - 25.02.2018)

Ahmet Can Ersöz

  • Description:
    1. Adding information to Weekly Meeting Notes for week #3.
    2. Adding information to Weekly Status Report for week #3.
    3. Determining the user scenarios(data addition) according to the scope of the project discussed on last meeting. Creation of the Wiki page and adding determined scenarios to that page.
  • Category: Documentation, Research, Requirements
  • Status: All tasks have been completed before their due dates.

Duran Serkan

  • Description: Research on Web Annotation Data Model
  • Category: Research
  • Status: All tasks have been completed before their due dates.

Duran Serkan

  • Description: Research on Research on Web Annotation Protocol
  • Category: Research
  • Status: All tasks have been completed before their due dates.

Hüseyin Kılıç

  • Description:
    1. Create detailed project plan according to the tasks identified during the weekly meeting.
    2. Investigate publicly available continuous integration tools.
  • Category: Management, Research, Documentation
  • Status: Detailed weekly plan was created with one week of delay, tasks and milestones are identified. For continuous integration, we have decided to use Travis CI since it is free and can be easily integrated with GitHub.

Nedim Azgari

  • Description: ....
  • Category: ....
  • Status: ....

Salih Demir

  • Description:
    1. Sidebar is customized with categorized wiki pages.
    2. Status of the issues were updated in Issue Tracking Board.
    3. Effort tracking and time tracking pages were updated.
    4. User scenarios related with getting data from the system are created.
  • Category: Research, Documentation
  • Status: Some of the user scenarios were created, which is required to make the team proceed to the next steps such as development and implementation.

Week 4 (26.02.2018 - 04.03.2018)

Ahmet Can Ersöz

  • Description:
    1. Adding information to Weekly Meeting Notes for week #4.
    2. Adding information to Weekly Status Report for week #4.
    3. Conducting research on W3 Web Annotations.
    4. Determining resulting annotation JSONs of different use cases, creating Wiki page and adding annotation JSONs to that page.
  • Category: Documentation, Research
  • Status: All tasks have been completed before their due dates.

Duran Serkan

  • Description: Research on Web Annotation Data Model
  • Category: Research
  • Status: All tasks have been completed before their due dates.

Duran Serkan

  • Description: Research on Research on Web Annotation Protocol
  • Category: Research
  • Status: All tasks have been completed before their due dates

Hüseyin Kılıç

  • Description:
    1. A new spring boot backend application has been created with necessary configurations and dependencies.
    2. Travis CI has been integrated to the project. Repository settings have been updated to enable continuous integration and testing.
    3. Milestones have been created on GitHub according to the project plan.
    4. The first API endpoint is created to enable searching relation types by language and search keyword. Integration with Wikidata API is completed, client side for Wikidata property search is implemented.
    5. The second API endpoint is created for Node creation, Nodes are now persisted to a relational database.
  • Category: Backend, Continuous Integration, Management
  • Status: All assigned items completed on time. Backend application was created by using PostgreSQL as the main datasource but this will be changed later to use a graph database like Neo4j.

Nedim Azgari

  • Description: ....
  • Category: ....
  • Status: ....

Salih Demir

  • Description:
    1. A research is done about how to demonstrate the selection of HTML tags that consists of images and text.
    2. A demo HTML page, demonstrating the selection of HTML tags using mouse movements and events, is developed.
    3. A JavaScript library (annotorious) is tested to find a valid library for text annotations.
    4. A JavaScript library (annotatorjs) is tested to find a valid library for image annotations.
  • Category: Research, Documentation, Development
  • Status: Front-end needs for the project became more clear after the research, which made easier to target the define the tools and APIs that will be used during the project implementation.

Week 5 (05.03.2018 - 11.03.2018)

Ahmet Can Ersöz

  • Description:
    1. Adding information to Weekly Meeting Notes for week #5.
    2. Adding information to Weekly Status Report for week #5.
    3. Conducting research on annotation database.
  • Category: Research, Back End
  • Status: All tasks have been completed before their due dates except the integration of the annotation database. The reason for this is that the DB should be discussed on class before the implementation.

Duran Serkan

  • Description: Research on Research on Web Annotation Protocol
  • Category: Research
  • Status: All tasks have been completed before their due dates

Duran Serkan

  • Description: Research on Annotation Server and Containers
  • Category: Research
  • Status: All tasks have been completed before their due dates

Hüseyin Kılıç

  • Description:
    1. Research on Neo4j graph database and Cypher query language.
    2. Integration of backend application with Neo4j database.
    3. Implementation of node creation web service.
    4. Implementation of relationship creation web service.
    5. Integration of backend application with Twitter API.
  • Category: Research, Backend
  • Status: Integration with Neo4j is completed. First versions of node creation and relationship creation web services have been implemented and a pull request have been created for review. Twitter API integration has not been completed yet.

Nedim Azgari

  • Description: ....
  • Category: ....
  • Status: ....

Salih Demir

  • Description: ....
    1. A research is done about how the diversity of the browsers affects the development of the project. It is concluded that the web template must be demonstrated using Microsoft Edge since it is the only browser allowing the display local HTML files.
    2. Google Maps API key is obtained for the project and the API used for the map in the Contact page.
    3. A web page using Bootstrap and JQuery is developed, including the main pages that are targeted to be implemented for the project such as Contact, About, Home, Node Management, Annotation Management pages.
  • Category: Research, Development
  • Status: A web page is developed to demonstrate template design for the project which make it easier to analyze the user experience for the project.

Week 6 (12.03.2018 - 18.03.2018)

Ahmet Can Ersöz

  • Description: ....
  • Category: ....
  • Status: ....

Duran Serkan

  • Description: ....
  • Category: ....
  • Status: ....

Hüseyin Kılıç

  • Description:
    1. Implement exception handling mechanism on backend for graceful handling of not found and internal server errors.
    2. Create first draft for login page using Twitter single sign on functionality.
  • Category: Backend, Frontend
  • Status: Tasks are completed on time. Two new pages added for graceful exception handling and connect by twitter functionality is implemented.

Nedim Azgari

  • Description:
    1. Research on Neo4j graph database
    2. Use case scenario is created
  • Category: Research, Documentation
  • Status: User scenario task is done with a week delay.

Salih Demir

  • Description:
    1. The needs of a Client-Side API for annotations must be researched to define the strategy to annotate the HTML content.
  • Category: Research, Development
  • Status:
    1. It is concluded the client-side of annotation must be done using multiple JavaScript libraries for each type of content (text, image), which is a crucial information to decide the development tasks for the project.
    2. Time tracking and effort tracking pages are updated and all issues assigned to me are closed.

Week 7 (19.03.2018 - 25.03.2018)

Ahmet Can Ersöz

  • Description: ....
  • Category: ....
  • Status: ....

Duran Serkan

  • Description: ....
  • Category: ....
  • Status: ....

Hüseyin Kılıç

  • Description:
    1. Integrate Research on Thymeleaf template rendering engine and integrate it with the project. Create a sample page to demonstrate its usage.
  • Category: Research, Developmnent
  • Status: Thymeleaf is successfully integrated to the project to be used on view pages.

Nedim Azgari

  • Description:
    1. Class diagram is prepared.
    2. Entity layer of the code is studied.
    3. Relevant issues are opened.
  • Category: Documentation, Design
  • Status:
    1. Effort tracking pages are updated.
    2. There aren't any delays for the tasks above.

Salih Demir

  • Description:
    1. Web UI template must be applied on the front-end of the application using the framework provided by the back-end side of the application.
  • Category: Research, Development
  • Status:
    1. System architecture is visualized to comprehend the overall design of the application. Tools and frameworks used in the application are also listed to show agreed solutions used for the project implementation.
    2. Due to some technical problems related to resource configuration, web UI implementation is not finished yet.

Week 8 (26.03.2018 - 01.04.2018)

Ahmet Can Ersöz

  • Description: ....
  • Category: ....
  • Status: ....

Duran Serkan

  • Description: ....
  • Category: ....
  • Status: ....

Hüseyin Kılıç

  • Description: ....
  • Category: ....
  • Status: ....

Nedim Azgari

  • Description: ....
  • Category: ....
  • Status: ....

Salih Demir

  • Description: Web UI template and back-end controllers merged, master page logic implemented.
  • Category: Development, Research
  • Status: After some testing, web UI logic will be finished and it will be possible to work with the UI and back-end implementation of the specific pages in the web applications.