Annotation Database - SWE-574-Spring-2018/LinkyWay GitHub Wiki
At the beginning of the project, it is decided that two different databases would be used for the project. The one of them would be used to store Nodes and Relations, and the other to store the annotations.
After the research related with the annotation database conducted, no material that suggests a DB which is very useful to store W3 Web Annotations was found. After further research, it is observed that there are databases which are useful to store RDF data and Neo4j is one of them.
It is decided that whether a relational(PostgreSQL), no-sql(MongoDB) or graph(Neo4j) should be discussed on the class. The related material can be found below.
Linked Data - Connect Distributed Data across the Web
Neo4j Blog - RDF Triple Stores vs. Labeled Property Graphs: What’s the Difference?