Test WebSVF frontend on Cloud - SVF-tools/WebSVF GitHub Wiki
Once you have setup a code-server environment on cloud using the Wiki Page, Deploy CodeServer on AWS you can begin installing WebSVF and setup the correct environment to test the WebSVF functionality using a demo project.
Install WebSVF-backend
sudo npm i -g @websvf/create-analysis
Setup the correct environment for compiling the demo project (Install LLVM, Clang & WLLVM)
sudo create-analysis --setup-env
Install WebSVF on Cloud
sudo create-analysis --cloud-install
Refresh the webpage to see the extensions.
Setup the demo Project
Install dependencies:
sudo apt install libglib2.0-dev libncurses5 libtool
Download the demo project archive:
wget https://pkgconfig.freedesktop.org/releases/pkg-config-0.26.tar.gz
Extract the demo project archive:
tar xf pkg-config-0.26.tar.gz
Set the current working directory to the extracted demo project folder:
cd pkg-config-0.26
Export the environment path variables required for compiling the demo project:
export LLVM_COMPILER=clang
export LLVM_COMPILER_PATH=/home/ubuntu/llvm-clang/10/clang+llvm-10.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-18.04/bin
Compile and Make the demo project:
CC=wllvm ./configure
Extract the .bc file from the demo project executable created from making the project in the above step:
extract-bc pkg-config -o pkg-config.bc
Generate the BugAnalysisReport.json file
The BugAnalysisReport.json file is required to run the WebSVF-frontend-extension which looks like this in your code editor:
After you have setup the demo project using the aforementioned steps you can generate this file by running this command in the project directory (/pkg-config-0.26)
Now you have setup everything required to run and test the WebSVF-frontend using the WebSVF-frontend-extension.
Please go ahead and click the button and launch the WebSVF-frontend inside your online code editor.