Build your own SVF backend for WebSVF - SVF-tools/WebSVF GitHub Wiki
Compile new SVF using SVF-example
Open SVF-Example directory:
cd ~/svf/SVF-example
Export environment variables to be able to compile SVF-example:
export SVF_DIR=/home/ubuntu/svf/svf-lib
export LLVM_DIR=/home/ubuntu/llvm-clang/10/clang+llvm-10.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-18.04/
cmake the project (cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug . for debug build)
cmake .
Generate Analysis using Custom Backend (powered by SVF-Example & WebSVF-backend)
Generate the bitcode file for your program or project using clang (for a single .c file) or using wllvm's extract-bc command (for an entire C/C++ project) then run the following command from the same directory as the .bc file or specify the directory of the .bc file. You must compile you're own svf-ex executable/binary using the SVF-example then specify the path to that executable using the '--custom-backend' option of the create-analysis command so the create-analysis command will use the newly created svf-ex binary/executable to generate the analysis instead of the default svf-ex created using SVF-example.
create-analysis --custom-backend path-to-backend-executable