Setup Notes - STScI-Citizen-Science/Zooniverse GitHub Wiki


This is the command line history from the initial setup for the demo of the API on Alex Viana's Ubuntu machine. Mileage may vary.

 1554  mkdir zooniverse  
 1555  cd zooniverse/  
 1556  ls  
 1557  sudo apt-get update  
 1558  sudo apt-get install python-software-properties python g++ make  
 1559  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js  
 1560  sudo apt-get update  
 1561  sudo apt-get install nodejs  
 1562  node -v  
 1563  npn  
 1564  npn -v  
 1565  sudo apt-get install npn  
 1566  npm -v  
 1567  npm install hem  
 1568  hem install  
 1569  npm install  
 1570  history  
 1571  clear  
 1572  spine -v  
 1573  npm install spine  
 1574  npm install  
 1575  spine app demo  
 1576  ls -a  
 1577  ls  
 1578  ./node_modules/  
 1579  ./node_modules/.bin  
 1580  ./node_modules/.bin/spine   
 1581  ./node_modules/.bin/spine app demo  
 1582  cd demo/  
 1583  ls  
 1584  npm install  
 1585  ls  
 1586  sublime .  
 1587  sublime . &  
 1588  npm install  
 1589  ./node_modules/.bin/hem server 
 1590  npm install  
 1591  ls  
 1592  ./node_modules/.bin/hem server  
 1593  hem build  
 1594  ./node_modules/.bin/hem build  
 1595  history  

Ports below 1024 are production unless they have the word demo.

Front end API: [email protected]
Back ends: [email protected]