1. User manual - STIW3054-A191/BoosterXOXO GitHub Wiki
- Get a list of repositories from the link : https://github.com/STIW3054-A191/Assignments/issues/1
- Download all the repositories from the list to the computer/laptop using Java threads.
- Compile the Java program for each repository. If the Java program cannot be compiled, error messages will be send to a
log file.
- Run the program and store the output in a text file.
- Generate software metrics using CKJM (https://www.spinellis.gr/sw/ckjm/) for each Java program and store the result in a
text file.
- Store the accumulative metrics for all the Java programs in MS Excel.
- Generate a bar graph for each metric from the excel file and store all the graphs in a pdf file.
Calculate the execution time.