Release Notes - STEP-tw/battleship-phoenix GitHub Wiki

BATTLESHIP (v1.0.0) (28th Feb 2018)


Battleship is a guessing game for two players.It is played on ruled grids on which the players' fleets of 
ships are marked. The locations of the fleet are concealed from the other player.


 Views Home page with following options:
      1. Play now
      2. Settings
      3. About game

 Host and Join Game:
      1. Host a game.
      2. Join existing game.

 Positioning of fleet on ocean grid.
      1. Rotating of Ship.
      2. Repositioning of Ships.

 Game Play:

      1. Assign Turn.
      2. Change Turn.
      3. Firing on target grid.
      4. Displaying fired shot as hit or miss.

 Updating Game Status:

      1. Updating player's fleet health.
      2. Updating enemy's fleet health.
      3. Updating Number of ships sunk.
      4. Updating ocean grid on every shot.

 End Game:

      1. Displaying Won when Opponent's all Ship are sunk.
      2. Displaying Lost when User's all Ship are sunk.

 Settings (Beta feature):

      1. Music controls.

Known Issues, Limitations & Restrictions

 * If two users hit the home page at same time both are seeing host game option.

Game Instructions