Reference Manual - STARIONGROUP/COMET-SDK-Community-Edition GitHub Wiki


The reference manual of the COMET Data Model is published online at sdk-reference. It contains a definitions for the following items:

  1. Applicable StereoTypes
  2. Data Types
  3. Enumeration Types
  4. Classes

Data Types

For each Data Type the documentation contains a definition and notes.

Enumeration Types

For each Enumeration Type the documentation contains a definition of the enumeration itself and for each of the enumaration values.


For each Class the documentation contains the following:

  1. CDPVersion: the CDP model Version is encoded in the title of the section that describes the class. If the version number is not present it has an implicit version of 1.0.0
  2. Definition: a human readable definition of the class
  3. Features: Properties of the class itself, e.g. what stereotype is applied, whether the class is abstract or not, etc.
  4. Properties: a list of all the properties with the following attributes:
  • Name: The name of the property. (note that in UML properties are lowerCamelCase, in C# in PascalCase)
  • CDPVersion: The CDP model Version that this property has been defined in.
  • Type: the data-type of the property
  • Default: the default value of the property
  • Description: a human readable definition of the property/
  • Inheritance: the class in the inheritance tree on which the property is defined.