OBS Connection - SSBDoppler/slippi-hud GitHub Wiki

Note to OBS V28 and newer users

SlippiHUD OBS-websockets now runs on Websockets 5.x

OBS Websockets

localhost works if OBS and SlippiHUD are running on the same computer. Not tested if it can work on external OBS via IP Address, but should in theory work if on the same local network.

Port is the OBS port you've opened

Password, you know, if you set a password (I cannot stress setting a password enough)

Seconds to wait, SlippiHUD will switch to the waiting scene after X seconds if a game is not currently being played.

Active Scene, dropdown menu containing SlippiHUD scenes, selecting one in the drop down will force OBS to switch to that scene.

Auto Switch scene checkbox, lets you control OBS Manually when unchecked or let SlippiHUD do it based on slippi data when checked.

Scenes SlippiHUD can switch too

Currently the scenes are hardcoded, this may change in the future

There are 5 main scenes SlippiHUD can switch to, Handwarmer, Tournament, Game End, Set End, and Wait. These should be the names of your scenes, because of aforementioned hard coding.

Logic that dictates switches

Handwarmer Scene

If handwarmer is selected on the dashboard and a game starts, slippi-HUD will direct obs to this scene.

Tournament Scene

If tournament is selected on the dashboard and a game starts, slippi-HUD will direct obs to this scene.

Game End Scene

If a any game ends and no players score is great enough to count as a set win, slippihud will direct obs to this scene

Set End Scene

If any game ends and a player has a high enough score to count as a set win, slippihud will direct obs to this scene

Wait Scene

If no game is being played, and X seconds after a game ended SlippiHUD will direct obs to this scene.

What if I don't want all of these Scenes.

If a scene does not exist OBS, OBS will revert to the last Valid Scene and throw an error message in the CMD window.

If you want a scene not included in the slippihud feature set, you can still swap to it manually in OBS, slippi hud will throw a error message in the CMD window and the drop down will show a blank scene.

Advanced Configuration

cfg/slippi-hud.json is by default set to

  "obs": {
    "scenes": {
      "Handwarmer": {
        "autoSwitch": true,
        "delay": 0
      "Tournament": {
        "autoSwitch": true,
        "delay": 0
      "Game End": {
        "autoSwitch": true,
        "delay": 1
      "Set End": {
        "autoSwitch": true,
        "delay": 1
      "Wait": {
        "autoSwitch": true,
        "delay": 0

delay is how many seconds it takes to activate once conditions are met. you can customize these values however you see fit. autoswitch controls whether OBS will switch to that scene when conditions are met.