Specification for diffing and merging of Lists - SQiShER/java-object-diff GitHub Wiki


  • Given an Object Differ
    • when comparing BASE([a, b]) to WORKING([b, a])
      • it should detect that a has moved behind b
      • it should detect that b has moved before a
      • when merging the result into List [c]
        • it should produce a List equal to [c, b, a]
    • when comapring base List [a, a] to working List [a]
      • it should detect that one a has been removed
      • it should detect that the other a is still there
      • when merging the result into List [b, a, c]
        • it should produce a List equal to [b, a, c]
      • when merging the result into List [b, a, a, c]
        • it should produce a List equal to [b, a, c]
    • when comparing base List [a, b, a, b, a, a, b] working List [a, b, a, b, b, a, a, b]
      • it should detect that the second subsequence [a, b] has changed to [a, b, b]
      • when merging the result into the base List
        • is should insert the new b right behind the second subsequence [a, b]
    • when comapring base List [a] to working List [a, a]
      • it should detect that one a has been added
      • it should detect that there are two a's
    • when merging the diff of Lists [a, b, c] and [c, b, a] into an empty List
      • it should produce a List equal to [c, b, a]
    • when merging the diff of Lists [a, b, c] and [c, b, a] into List [b]
      • it should produce a List equal to [c, b, a]
    • when merging the diff of Lists [a, b, c] and [c, b, a] into List [b, b, a]
      • it should produce a List equal to [b, c, b, a]
    • when merging the diff of List [a] and [a, a] two times into List [a]
      • should it produce a List equal to [a, a]?
      • should it produce a List equal to [a, a, a]?

It looks like the merging strategy depends on what the user needs and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The visitor pattern doesn't really allow for idempotent List merges. How could one realize idempotent merging?

  • A visitor that captures the items to merge which offers a method, that'll merge based on the items in the target List.
  • The ListNode could offer a merge method that only affects items from the working and base version of the diffed object.

What if idempotent merging isn't desired?

  • The visitor approach could be used to implement custom merging strategies

I think it makes sense to implement the built-in idempotent merging strategy based on the visitor pattern, to allow the user to replace it with his custom logic.