Review Meeting Sprint ‐02 - SQA-PROJECT-1/Konta-Niben GitHub Wiki

Attendees: Fiha (FH), Palash (PL), Tazim(TZ), Sakib(SK), Monira(MN)

Date/Location: 26-Feb-2024

Start Time: 8:30pm

End Time: 9:00pm

Review about Overall Sprint Cycles:

Development Team: [FH, PH, TZ, SK, MN]

Discussing the ‘done’ and ‘what has not been done’ items of the Product Backlog.

Showing: what went well during a Sprint, what obstacles faced, and resolved those problems

FH: [Well Done]- Product Recommendation is completely done in the following SDLC phase-

                1. Planning
                2. Define Requirements
                3. Designing
		4. Test Driven Development (TDD): Unit testing.
                5. Implementation 
	 	6. Test & Refactor      
	 	7. Continuous Integration (CI)
	 	8. Merge Branches to master

PL: [Well Done]- Order and Payment Method is completely done in the following SDLC phase-

                1. Planning
                2. Define Requirements
                3. Designing
		4. Test Driven Development (TDD): Unit testing.
                5. Implementation 
	 	6. Test & Refactor      
	 	7. Continuous Integration (CI)
	 	8. Merge Branches to master

[What not has been done]- Payment is not tested using real payment.

TZ: [Well Done]- User CURD and authentication is completely done in the following SDLC phase-

                1. Planning
                2. Define Requirements
                3. Designing
		4. Test Driven Development (TDD): Unit testing.
                5. Implementation 
	 	6. Test & Refactor      
	 	7. Continuous Integration (CI)
	 	8. Merge Branches to master

[What not has been done]- For Authentication role based authentication has not been fully completed yet.

SK: [Well Done]- Wishlist frontend and Rating and Review is completely done in the following SDLC phase-

                1. Planning
                2. Define Requirements
                3. Designing
		4. Test Driven Development (TDD): Unit testing.
                5. Implementation 
	 	6. Test & Refactor      
	 	7. Continuous Integration (CI)
	 	8. Merge Branches to master

[What not has been done]- Wishlist front-end design has not been fully completed yet.

MN: [Well Done]- Add To Cart frontend and Product Decription is completely done in the following SDLC phase-

                1. Planning
                2. Define Requirements
                3. Designing
		4. Test Driven Development (TDD): Unit testing.
                5. Implementation 
	 	6. Test & Refactor      
	 	7. Continuous Integration (CI)
	 	8. Merge Branches to master

[What not has been done]- For Add to cart frontend modal has not been fully completed yet.


  1. We should improve the implementation of role based authentication system.

  2. We should improve the UI/UX design to get user attention.