Review Meeting Sprint ‐01 - SQA-PROJECT-1/Konta-Niben GitHub Wiki

Attendees: Fiha (FH), Palash (PL), Tazim(TZ), Sakib(SK), Monira(MN)

Date/Location: 18-Feb-2024

Start Time: 3:00pm

End Time: 3:30pm

Review about Overall Sprint Cycles:

Development Team: [FH, PH, TZ, SK, MN]

Discussing the ‘done’ and ‘what has not been done’ items of the Product Backlog.

Showing: what went well during a Sprint, what obstacles faced, and resolved those problems

FH: [Well Done]- Admin Dashboard is completely done in the following SDLC phase-

              1.  Planning
              2.  Define Requirements
              3.  Designing
              4.  Implementation
              5.  Testing
                  i. Unit testing.

PL: [Well Done]- Searching and Sorting is completely done in the following SDLC phase-

              1.  Planning
              2.  Define Requirements
              3.  Designing
              4.  Implementation
              5.  Testing
                  i. Unit testing

TZ: [Well Done]- CURD is completely done in the following SDLC phase-

              1.  Planning
              2.  Define Requirements
              3.  Designing
              4.  Implementation
              5.  Testing
                  i. Unit testing

SK: [Well Done]- Wishlist backend is completely done in the following SDLC phase-

              1.  Planning
              2.  Define Requirements
              3.  Designing
              4.  Implementation
              5.  Testing
                  i. Unit testing

[Not Has Been Done]- Wishlist front-end has not been fully completed yet.

MN: [Well Done]- Add To Cart backend is completely done in the following SDLC phase-

              1.  Planning
              2.  Define Requirements
              3.  Designing
              4.  Implementation
              5.  Testing
                  i. Unit testing

[Not Has Been Done]- Add to cart frontend has not been fully completed yet.


  1. We should improve the scrum meeting documentation by adding what has been completed and what is need to be done in the next day.

  2. In Trello board we will have to maintain the ToDo list properly so that the overall working process can be tracked before completing the whole project.