Retrospective: Sprint 02 - SQA-PROJECT-1/Konta-Niben GitHub Wiki

Retrospective: Sprint 02

Date/Location: 26-Feb-2024

Attendees: Fiha (FH), Palash (PL), Tazim (TZ), Sakib (SK), Monira (MN)


As we conclude Sprint 2, it's important for us to reflect on our achievements, challenges, and areas for improvement. This retrospective aims to foster open discussion and identify actionable insights to enhance our future sprints.

What Went Well:

1. Feature Implementation: We successfully implemented key features during this sprint 2: Admin CRUD operation, Admin profile, User Registration, Convert user as admin and remove user from admin, Product Recommendation, Rating and review, Order and payment, product description. This demonstrates our capability to deliver multiple functionalities within the allocated timeframe.

2. Backend Development: The backend development for all features was completed efficiently, showcasing our team's strong technical skills and collaboration.

3. Unit Testing: We conducted thorough unit testing for some feature, ensuring code quality and reliability. This disciplined approach to testing contributed to the overall robustness of our product.

4. Design Architecture: We have successfully implemented MVC architecture on our project.

5. Documentation: We applied JSDoc for documentation that describes properly how each feature works so that in future anyone who reads the code can understand its purpose and can modify it according to the needs.

6. TDD: We follow test driven development before develop each api’s . Before develop each api’s we first make a test case and apply test case for this api’s and test case shows fail after testing apis after failure test case we write our apis according to test case.

Areas for Improvement:

1. Frontend Development: Our hole system design is not so good.

2. Documentation: There were instances where documentation, especially in the Scrum meetings, lacked clarity. Enhancing the documentation by specifying completed tasks and outlining upcoming tasks can improve transparency and accountability within the team.

3. GitHub marge issues: We have huge problem while we try to marge our branches to master branch ,many conflicts are shown while we try to open a pull request.

4. TDD: We should follow more better approach to implement TDD.

5. CI(continuous integration): We suffer most of the time in continuous integration part .

What went wrong:

  1. Some of the test cases showed errors when run on GitHub Actions.
  2. Can’t Marge all branch perfectly on master branch
  3. Some of our CI (continuous Integration) shows error while pushing something into a branch.


As we conclude Sprint 02, let's leverage the insights gained from this retrospective to refine our processes and optimize our performance in the subsequent sprints. By addressing the identified areas for improvement and building on our strengths, we can strive for even greater success in our future endeavors.