Retrospective : Sprint 1 - SQA-PROJECT-1/Konta-Niben GitHub Wiki

Date/Location: 18-Feb-2024

Attendees: Fiha (FH), Palash (PL), Tazim (TZ), Sakib (SK), Monira (MN)

Introduction: As we conclude Sprint 1, it's important for us to reflect on our achievements, challenges, and areas for improvement. This retrospective aims to foster open discussion and identify actionable insights to enhance our future sprints.

What Went Well:

1. Feature Implementation: We successfully implemented five key features during this sprint: Admin CRUD operation, Admin Dashboard, Add to Cart, Wishlist, and Searching/Sorting. This demonstrates our capability to deliver multiple functionalities within the allocated timeframe.

2. Backend Development: The backend development for all features was completed efficiently, showcasing our team's strong technical skills and collaboration.

3. Unit Testing: We conducted thorough unit testing for each feature, ensuring code quality and reliability. This disciplined approach to testing contributed to the overall robustness of our product.

4. Design Architecture: We have successfully implemented MVC architecture on our project.

5. Documentation: We applied JsDoc for documentation that describes properly how each feature works so that in future anyone who reads the code can understand its purpose and can modify it according to the needs.

Areas for Improvement:

1. Frontend Development: While backend development progressed smoothly, we encountered delays in frontend development, particularly for the Wishlist and Add to Cart features. Moving forward, we need to allocate sufficient resources and prioritize frontend tasks to prevent such bottlenecks.

2. Documentation: There were instances where documentation, especially in the Scrum meetings, lacked clarity. Enhancing the documentation by specifying completed tasks and outlining upcoming tasks can improve transparency and accountability within the team.

3. Task Prioritization: At times, we faced challenges in prioritizing tasks effectively, leading to suboptimal resource allocation. Strengthening our task prioritization process will enable us to focus on high-impact deliverables and optimize our productivity.

4. Database Connection failed: For lack of strong internet connection we faced multiple time where our project couldn’t connect to the database. Which delayed the project progress.

5. Github push issues: When push the project to our branch, github readme file removed because of it. So we had to re write it again.

Action Items:

1. Allocate Additional Resources: Assign dedicated resources to frontend development tasks for the Wishlist and Add to Cart features in the upcoming sprints to ensure timely completion.

2. Enhance Documentation: Improve the quality of Scrum meeting documentation by clearly stating completed tasks and outlining planned tasks for the next day. This will enhance visibility and alignment within the team.

3. Refine Task Prioritization: Implement a structured approach to prioritize tasks based on their impact and dependencies. Regularly reassess and adjust priorities to maximize efficiency and effectiveness.


As we conclude Sprint 1, let's leverage the insights gained from this retrospective to refine our processes and optimize our performance in the subsequent sprints. By addressing the identified areas for improvement and building on our strengths, we can strive for even greater success in our future endeavors.