Meeting Minutes 3 - SQA-PROJECT-1/Konta-Niben GitHub Wiki

Date/Location: 18-01-2024 at 10:00 PM in Discord.

Attendees: Fiha (FH), Monira (MN), Sakib (SK), Tazim (TZ), Palash(PL)

Start Time: 10:00 PM

End Time: 10:30 PM


In today’s meeting we have decided that we will follow the MVC pattern as an Architectural Pattern for our project and for design we will follow the SOLID, DRY, and KISS design principles. We discussed SRS modification for our project.


  1. FH & PL will update User Story as requirement in SRS Those are: Compare between products, Giving Ratings to products, Suggest similar products, Making chatbot.
  2. SK,MN&TZ will find out the way to make our project in MVC pattern.
  3. FH,MN,TZ,PL&SK will find out the way to use SOLID, DRY, KISS principle in our project.
Action Allocated team members Deadline
Update User Story FH&PL 01/02/2024
Study about Architectural Patterns MN,SK&TZ 01/02/2024
Study about Design Principles PL,SK,TZ,MN,FH 01/02/2024